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Jay's POV

Voight and I arrived at the back of the district and headed straight to the cage where Seth was sitting locked up. My blood boiled seeing him just sit there like he did nothing. There was one patrol officer stationed outside the cage guarding him, we motioned him off once we entered, "Wipe that smile off your face Seth." I said walking towards the cage. I stood in front of the cage with my arms crossed while Voight stood back holding the keys, "You know your lucky I don't have the keys right now. Heh which one gave you that?" I asked pointing at the blood and badge on his leg. "Doesn't matter, I'm gong to jail whether I talk or not."

"Do you know who the three women were that you and your buddies pick up at the end? Do you?" Voight asked. Seth just sat there, "I don't ask them anything, I just serve drinks, Ethan would pick them."

"Oh so you just drug them then get off on it. Well how about I fill you in on the last three you took, Hailey Upton she's a cop, my partner. The other two Kira Sanchez she's a firefighter and her sister Anna she's also a cop. Not to mention the two of them have close ties to multiple Fire Houses and police districts. So listen to me when I say you picked the wrong people to beat, rape, and shoot." I said as Voight stepped forward to the cage. "You and your partners slipped up and got messy, so messy that when they shot Hailey, Kira, and Anna they didn't kill them, they tried but those girls, their fighters and they pulled through. Look your already going down for nine murders..." Voight started but I quickly jumped in, "...ten, ten murders. One of the women was pregnant." Voight turned at me as I walked away to another room.

Once in the other room Voight looked at me a bit confused as to my correction I gave him, "Jay non of the girls we recovered were pregnant." I stood there keeping my eyes looking out at Seth then faced Voight, "Your right but, I just found out that Hailey was before she went undercover. She didn't know, the docs say she was two maybe three weeks." Voight placed his hand on my shoulder when I finished and his face said it all. It was no secret that Hailey and I were together, at least it hadn't been for a while. Voight was fine with it as long as it didn't interfere with work, but this, this was different. This team is family, always had been, and when one of ours got hurt Voight would always get this look in his eye. It was a look of anger and revenge, he had this back when Kim got shot, when Kevin was kidnapped, even back when I was taken and shot.

Anthony's POV

I was sitting with Kira when she slowly started to wake up, quickly I got up and called for Dr. Rhodes. He came in and checked her vitals and stats, "Stats are good, hey Kira, how you feeling?" Her eyes fluttered as she groaned trying to pull herself up. "Woah, hey lay back and rest ok you need it. We're going to give you some meds for the pain you just rest up, that's an order." Dr. Rhodes said calling in a nurse for the meds then walking out. After that she relaxed and I just sat with her for a bit.

We talked a little about what happened and about anything that came to mind, I occasionally would have to reassure her that everything was ok. Dylan walk in after a while and we traded spots, I gently hugged Kira placing a kiss on her forehead then left the room. I filled in her Chief and Hannah that she was awake and they all took turns going to see her.

I had quietly made my way out of the hospital and to my car where I sat in the silence for a few minutes before started the engine and driving to the 21. I parked outside trying to think of what I was doing when I got out and walked in. Inside I walked over to Trudy who had just come back from the hospital herself, "Hey Trudy, can you show me to where Hank is...please?" I pleaded. She questioned me at first but caved and led me down the stairs to a garage, I saw a man sitting in a fence box, guess that's what they call the cage, I said to myself. In another room stood Hank and Jay, looked like Hank was comforting Jay or something. I walked over to them with Trudy and they both turned to face me.

Voight's POV

I heard footsteps behind me and as I turned I saw Anthony with Trudy. "Hey man, you shouldn't be here." I said to him but he didn't move.

Anthony stared at me in silence for a while before speaking, "I wasn't there for my daughters before but I'm here now and I want to see this guy go down for what he did. I know the way you work so please don't stop me." He let a couple tears slip as he spoke.

"Anthony it doesn't take this to prove you love your girls. This isn't you man, it just isn't so please just go back to the hospital. Be with your girls, we'll take care of him, I promise." I tried to plead with him but he refused to leave. Trudy left to go back upstairs leaving Anthony with Jay and I.


Sorry for the long wait I've been really busy. I don't know when the next chapter will be uploaded.

I do have a question, if you've made it this far are you enjoying this story?

I have an idea for another story but that won't come out any time soon. This idea will circle around Hailey Upton and her family. Would you enjoy something like that?

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