Deja Vu

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Kira's POV

I had just gotten back from a call when my phone rang, Anna, what could she possibly want now. I got hopped out of the Truck and walk over to a corner out of ear shot and answered the phone.

Kira: Hey what's up?
Anna: Hey sis, look I know we aren't really talking much but I need your help with a case.
Kira: I can't just up and leave right now I'm still on shift till morning and why do you need me?
Anna: Kira there's six girls dead right now, I'm going undercover with a detective but we need a third person. Can we put our argument aside and help prevent anymore bodies? Please.
Kira: Again why me? I'm not a cop.
Anna: We need another girl, and before you say Hannah, no this unit can't risk losing another sergeant. That and I want someone I know and trust in there with me. I'll explain everything when you get here if your willing to help.
Kira: I ugh...fine I'll go talk with Casey see if I can come by but I'm still on call so I'll have to leave the moment a call comes in.
Anna: I understand, thank you.

I ended the call and went to find my Lieutenant and Chief, luckily for me Casey and Severide like to hang out in Boden's office and that's exactly where they were. I walked up to the closed door and knocked, they all looked over at me and motioned for me to enter. "What can I do for you Kira?" Boden asked looking up at me. "Sorry to interrupt, I just got off the phone with my sister, is it ok if I take an hour and run over to see what she needs, I understand if I can't..." I said looking over between the three men. "Your sister Anna? I thought you guys weren't talking after what happened to Lisa and her slamming your head into the wall." Kelly said looking over at me with a confused look. "We weren't...aren't, it's complicated." I said kind of defeated with the whole thing. "81 could go for a drive, we do need to stop for gas anyway, we can drop her off at the district, just keep our radios on." Matt said, I looked up hopeful that the chief would agree. Boden nodded and we walked out, once we reached the common room Matt shouted over at everyone, "81 lets go for a ride!" we all went out and partly geared up. We stopped for gas first then headed for the district. I was staring out the window as we drove, I thought Anna was a patrolman." Matt said looking back at me bringing me out of my daze. I looked over at him and quickly sat up off the door, "She is but there's perks of working in a district your mom ran, the new sergeant was partners with our mom and Lisa, so Anna gets pulled up to help out when needed. When we were kids mom would bring us up and every now and then we'd help out on cases."

Once at the district I quickly climbed out leaving my coat in my seat and zipping my jacket up fully, "I don't think it will take to long." I said closing the door behind me, hearing the doors open again as everyone followed behind, Chicago winters were not nice and the district is warmer than our Truck. We all quickly made our way up the stairs and into the district, I waved at the desk sergeant and walked over to scan in. I saw the stares from everyone, "Like I said perks of working or visiting a district your mom ran." I said walking up the stairs closing the gate behind me.

Once up I saw two new officers or detectives at the board with their backs towards me and Hannah in her office with some other guy but no Anna. I walked over to the board behind the two, quickly scanning over what they knew, "Not much to go on" I said and both cops turned, I think I scared them, "Hey Hailey, hey Jay" I said backing up, they had been by the fire house a few times to help with different things, "Aren't you guys a little out of your district?" I asked as I sat on the desk behind me. Hailey looked at me with a smile that quickly faded, "It's our case but these guys crossed into this district so we called in for some help, Voight's in there talking to Hannah now." she said glancing over to Hannah's office. I nodded following here glance, "How much do we know?" I asked hoping it was more than what was on the board. "You said it perfectly, we don't know much. Anna connected them all threw the fact they all are drinkers, apparently they each were big into partying. We looked into that but they never went to the same bar or night club at the same time." Jay said leaning on the desk opposite of the one I was sitting on. "Did you look into the private or anonymous parties or just the common drinking spots?" I asked with a slightly snarky tone hopping off the desk and walking around to the computer. Jay and Hailey both looked at me like I was slightly crazy, I sat down pulling up some of the frequent underground party places, "Most of these girls are under age meaning they wouldn't go to a known bar or club unless they could seriously pull off 21 when their what 17. Here's a list of underground clubs that are still open, if these girls are connected threw any bar or club then it would probably be on this list." I said handing them a sticky note with about 10 club names. They shot some weird glances at me but before they could say anything Hannah opened her door calling Hailey and I in and as if on cue Anna came up the stairs and joined us.

"We have about 3 days to find we're these guys will strike next. I've talked with Voight and we are willing to send Hailey and Anna in to try and draw these guys out. Now Kira I don't know what Anna told you but are you willing to go under with them?" Hannah spoke while sitting at her desk with Voight standing behind her. "All Anna said was 6 six girls were killed. Want to fill in what these guys are doing before I say anything?" I replied leaning against the door beside Hailey. "Their taking 3 girls, ages have been ranging anywhere between 17 and 20. Each one has been beaten, raped, and or stabbed. When we find them they've got two GSW's to the chest..." Hearing what she said defiantly cause some of the memories to resurface as I could feel his breath on my neck and the tightness around my wrist. I knew I had frozen up and I guess Hannah saw this as she stood up and walked over to me placing a hand on my shoulder bringing me out of my daze, "you don't have to do this, I know these aren't easy but you and Anna know these areas best." I looked over to Anna then back to Hannah slightly in defeat, "Ok I'm in but I have to clear it with my Chief." I said sighing. We were going over some little details when a call came in on my radio, "Text me the details, I got to go." I said to Hannah and ran out and down the stairs to where everyone was now standing and waiting by the door.


Uploads will start to slow down now, I've got two day before classes start. Please bare with me during this. I will try to upload but it more than likely not be everyday anymore.

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