Night In or Night Out

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Liam's POV

I looked at the clock for probably the 20th time since dad and Dylan left. Carter was helping with dinner because Kira nor Anna had come down to help. To be honest I hadn't heard from either of them for quite some time. This is something I kind of expect from Kira since this is what she's been doing for about a week now but Anna doesn't do this. "I heard dad talking to them this morning but as usual he didn't fuss at Kira like he would if it was us. I understand she's struggling but she's not the only one, we all are." Carter mumbled while stirring the meat sauce.

"Dad's trying Carter he never really knew how to deal with Kira or Anna when they got upset, that was moms thing. On top of that what did you expect, Kira held mom while she know. It's not like she isn't going to bounce back like nothing happened. You and I cope differently just like Dylan is coping in his own way." I said while stirring the pot of noodles then watching them boil.

I heard footsteps from upstairs then everything was quiet again. Next thing I know my phone chimed.

Kira: I'm not eating tonight so don't wait up for me.
Liam: Are you going out again?
Kira: Does it matter if I am or not?
Liam: It does if any of us get a call from the morgue asking us to identify your body.
Kira: Fine, yes I'm heading out with some old friends, happy now?!
Liam: Old friends? Really just stay home and come down and eat with us. Please.
Kira: Sorry Liam but I'm not staying here. I'm going out and you can stop me.
Liam: Fine but text me when you get to wherever your going and when you leave. That's the least you could do, don't forget I can have your phone pinged.
Kira: Fine but you can't tell dad anything, he worries enough.

Kira's POV

I was in my room with Anna getting dressed. I didn't like the idea of having to tell Liam when I got to the party and when I left but it's not like I was the one that wanted to text him in the first place. Anna said she wanted to come with me but told me if I didn't tell Liam or Carter she'd call dad.

I tossed a pair of black leggings, a neon purple crop-top, and short black heeled boots over to Anna. She looked at me then back at the clothes, I motioned for her to go change and she left. I then grabbed my own leggings, neon blue crop-top, loose knitted shirt, and black high-heeled boots. By the time Anna got out of the bathroom I was dressed and standing with a small bag with a change of clothes by my bedroom window. I opened the window and sat on the seal holding my right side, I waved her over and she sat facing me, "Slowly put your foot down you'll feel the drain pipe for the gutter along with a couple bars sticking out." Anna looked at me like I was crazy but slowly shifted herself down and out my window. I then followed but closed my window so it wasn't obvious and climbed on down the pipe with a small whimper. "I never knew that was there?! So cool." Anna said once I was on the ground and walking over to the side of the house. "Don't get used to this Anna, your not coming with me every time, and whatever you do don't leave my side. Dad will kill us if he found out."

Anna's POV

It was about 10pm when we left, Kira and I sat on the curb while she texted her friends. About 10 maybe 15 minutes later when a red convertible pulled up with its music blaring. The driver, she looked about Kira's age maybe older same for the girl beside her.

It was about a 30 minute drive to this cabin, cars were parked all around and you could see the lights coming through the windows. You could see people inside dancing some were outside just hanging out, the music was loud even from outside. I followed Kira and her friends as they got out and went inside. I grabbed hold of Kira's hand as we got closer to the door.

"Kira! And you must be Anna! Heard so much about you" I heard a guy say, Kira and I turn to the voice when he enveloped her in a hug kissing her cheek.

Kira's POV

As he hugged me he whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry for the other day." I nodded and gave him a smile. "Anyway Anna my name is Rick, I'm Kira's boyfriend." I watched Anna's face, she smiled for a couple seconds then let the smile fade. Rick had hold of my arm but nothing serious. "I'll get us some drinks and meet at the back, it's quieter there." Rick smiled and left giving me one last hug with a tight squeeze on my arm.

"Really that's who you've been out with all the time? He doesn't look all that great." Anna said as we made our way to the back. I just continued to walk through the crowd holding my sisters hand tightly along with the straps to my bag. Once in the back we both sat down and soon after Rick joined us with three drinks in hand. We sat and talk for a long time and Rick kept his one arm around Kira's shoulders and the other holding her wrist.

Anna's POV

I watched his hand for most of the conversation as he would occasionally tighten it when she'd speak. I stood up and tried to get Kira to come with but Rick again intervened, "She doesn't have to go just because you go you know" I looked at him then back to Kira, "It's fine Anna go to the bathroom were fine" she said and reluctantly I turned and left.

I walked to the door when I felt a hand on my back as it pushed me inside. I felt one hand on my back of my neck and another on the small of my back. His grip was hard on my neck and kept me moving. "Don't fight me, I won't hurt you" he whispered. My eyes shot wide when I heard his voice....


Authors Note: please leave comments or votes saying whether you like this so far. Yes I know I said it's a Chicago Fire and Chicago PD story, it is, basically what I'm doing with the writings at the moment is what these characters have gone though to because what they are now.
I am working ok part 5 currently, by the time this part publishes I will hopefully be one or two parts ahead. I am currently on vacation so stories parts don't have a schedule. I really hope you enjoy these, I love making stories but always struggle to write them down.

Liam and Carter are in the academy during this part of the story. I wanted to focus more to the sisters and there involvement to the story. Please bare with me, I have the story planned out 'better?' once they get a bit older.

If you have any tips feel free to give them.

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