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Lisa's POV

I called the team out on a lead and we all geared up, after Valerie's death our unit went through some tough times, Hannah and I are the only two that are left from our old unit. We finished gearing up and headed out. It was about 6pm and there was word, specifically from Rick, about a party tonight. Once we arrived at the building we quickly rushed in announcing ourselves.

"CPD! No one move!" We shouted, of course some kids ran as always, we searched through the crowed asking where Rick Bradley was. After a lot of searching we made it to the back of the building to an office room, we quickly opened the door to find Rick trying to escape out the window. Hannah and I grabbed him and pulled him from the window seal dropping him to the floor. I leaned down and cuffed him while Hannah covered me.

We arrived back at the district with our perp, we got out and walked him up to interrogation, we wanted to hear it from him, you know see if he'll confess. Once in the bullpen I handed him off to one of my guys and went to check on Anthony and the kids. He must have seen me as he signaled for me to stay quiet, then I saw they were all asleep. I watched him get up and come out of the breakroom to meet up with me. "So we got him. We will question him and try to get a confession but either way we have evidence that it's him with or without his confession." I said. Anthony released a heavy sigh at the news then smiled looking back at the girls. "Maybe we can finally be a normal family again, we'll as normal as we possibly can be." He said laughing a little. I smiled at him then turned to join my team for the interrogation.

Hannah and I took turns questioning Rick.

Lisa: So tell us Rick, do you like to beat girls? Get them drunk till they can't defend themselves?
Rick: I don't know what your talking about.
Hannah: Rick don't play stupid. We have your DNA and video of you beating and raping multiple girls!

(I opened a file I had in my hands placing the pictures of 5 girls between the ages of 14 and 17 in front of him.)

Lisa: Just do us a favor and tell us the truth.
Rick: Look I like to party but I've never met any of these girls. If you think I hurt them then your really lost.
Lisa: You like to party...

(I stood up grabbing Rick's shirt and throat pushing the chair back on two legs. I slowly tightened my grip on his throat...)

Hannah and I weren't dirty cops by any means but when it came to family some rules would be tossed out but we never fully cross any lines. This may have been something that rubbed off on us when Voight and Al spent time working with us back in the days but we did what had to be done.

Lisa: Here I thought you were this smart guy, you know. We technically have enough evidence to charge you right now but we felt some need to let you tell your side.
Rick: Fine...

(I let go of him and the chair dropped back down to the floor and I walked back over to my chair.)

Rick: I invited them to the party we all were just having fun, some more than others. I never forced anyone to stay. I got drunk sometimes but I really don't remember much of what happened.
Hannah: Try harder then or maybe you should actually look at the photos...

(Hannah pick each photo up basically shoving them in his face.)

Rick: Yeah whatever they deserved everything that happened to them!
Lisa: They deserved being beaten and raped?

(I slammed my hand against the table at his comment and all he did was pull a smirk across his face.)

Hannah: Wipe that smirk off your face. Your under arrest for rape and abuse.

Hannah cuffed him and took him down to the holding sells while I came out to see Anthony. "We got him" I said placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He nodded then turned back to the door where the four girls were sat asleep.

Kira's POV

It had been a few weeks after Rick was arrested, the jury found him guilty and gave him 20 to life. I went back to school and brought my grades up and went back to studying for the Firefighter and Paramedic exams. Dylan was still pulling shifts at 51, Liam and Carter still worked for Dad at 62. I knew once or if I became a Paramedic dad would probably have me working his ambo for a while.

Anna also was bringing her grades up and occasionally you'd catch her in moms old office going through her police manual. "Mom would be proud that one of us became a cop" I said standing in the doorway of mom's office watching Anna flip through pages. She looked up quickly closing the book and setting it down. "You really think so?" she ask, I made my way to her, "I really think so, and honestly we need someone to be a cop and who better than moms mini me."

Our new normal came in over time, after about a year, we spent more time together at least when everyone wasn't on shift. I received my acceptance letter to be a Paramedic just a few weeks after my senior year was finished. I had been pulling ride alongs with Dawson and Shay throughout the year, helping them with some patients, paperwork, cleaning, organizing the ambo, and doing restocks.

Lisa had taken Anna out on patrol even had her helping with cases just nothing physical. She had her trained with tracking and running plates along with how to tell what someone has been through just by how they present themselves.

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