I can't believe this

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Liam's POV

I got up and walked outside taking my phone out of my back pocket and called my father.

Anthony: Liam is everything ok? What came up?
Liam: Hey dad um...yes and no. Look don't freak out on me just yet.
Anthony: Liam, what is it?
Liam: It's Kira and Anna. We found out what's been going on. I'm at M.E.D with them and Dylan now. We are waiting for the discharge papers, then headed to the 23rd district.
Anthony: Why I'm I just now hearing about this!!
(Carter walked in after hearing his dad's yelling, the call was put on speaker)
Carter: Dad what's going on?
Anthony: Your sisters. I'm calling in a replacement Chief to cover for me. Carter your coming with me. I'll meet you at the district Liam.
(The call ended)

I walked back into the room, "So dad and Carter are meeting us at the district once we fill out the papers."

It didn't take long till the nurse came in and handed us the papers, we quickly filled them out. When the nurse came back in she did a final check of the girls stats, "Alright everything looks good, just take it easy, no sports for either of you, especially you" She said looking at Kira. They nodded and agreed, both girls got changed back into their clothes while Dylan and I waited outside the room. Once they finished they came out to us, you could see a spark of life in their eyes, I smiled at them and we walked out. That spark meant so much to me, we haven't seen that spark of life in so long and it was long overdue.

We pulled up to the district where we were greeted by dad and Carter. They both got out and immediately hugged both girls, you could tell they tensed up but embraced the hugs. They had concerned faces but they didn't say anything. I guess just seeing them ok, in away, was enough to help reassure them.

Once in Lisa greeted us and brought us upstairs, as we walked through we caught many stares. We were known by the unit and many other cops in that district. Dad, my brothers, and I all watched in the observation room with Lisa's team while Lisa and her partner took Kira and Anna to a separate room.

Kira's POV

Lisa and her partner, Hannah lead Anna and I to an interrogation room, we both sat opposite them. "Can you tell us what happened, how this started?" Hannah asked
I leaned back in the chair as Anna and I answered.

"After mom died I guess I spiraled out, started going out at night partying with friends. At first it was fine, no harm, I was introduced to Rick by a friend and we hit it off. He said he had lost a close friend of his recently and we kind of connected but after a couple weeks he went dark. I brought Anna with me for the first time, and half way through the night she got up and left then Rick followed her. I didn't think much of it till Rick returned with this dark look on his face. He went to gets drinks so I took that chance to find Anna, when I walked into the bathroom I found her on the ground in a bathroom stall hunched over holding her stomach." I looked over to Anna to fill in what happened.

"I had gotten up to go to the bathroom, when I entered, I was headed towards one of the stalls when I felt a hand on the back of my neck as I was pushed inside the stall. There was one hand on my neck and the other on back. I could feel his breath on my neck and shoulder, he had bent down and whispered in my ear saying; Don't fight me, I won't hurt you. I knew from his voice who he was and I froze. He was pressing himself against me, I knew he had been drinking but even if I hadn't you could tell." I paused not wanting to relive the past year then continued, "He had tightened his grip around my neck when he whispered again telling me to stay out of his and Kira's business because if I didn't then we would have a problem. That's when he started to hit me, multiple times to my stomach and sides. When he finished he let go of my neck and I dropped to the floor and he walked out slamming the door." Anna finished and wrapped her arms over her stomach.

"This continued for a long time after. He would throw us around for his pleasure, bringing us drinks, it was always a vodka shot with two cherries, he didn't care if we got hurt as long as he got his way. It's not just us either there's a couple other girls he did this too. I walked in on him kicking one and a second time he had forced himself on her. He saw me the second time so I tried to run but some of his friends were there and stopped me. He drugged me and forced himself on me. I tried to fight him off but I couldn't do anything." I said tears forming in my eyes threatening to spill.

Lisa and Hannah watched us as we continued to explain everything Rick had done to us. When we finished Lisa brought us back out and into the breakroom where Mia and Ivy were playing. The four of us sat playing, you could tell that Mia knew something was up but she just continued to play and chat with us.

Anthony's POV

I watched as my daughters explained everything to Lisa and Hannah, listening to everything they said. How did I not notice, how did I not see how much pain they were in. I wished we could have found out sooner but I'm just glad we found out. When they finished I watched Lisa take the girls to the breakroom while Hannah came and spoke with us. "We've got enough to bring him in, he's going away for a long time." She said reassuring us. I nodded at Hannah thanking her and walked with her to the breakroom. I knocked on the door and entered immediately hugging both girls.

I dismissed my sons back to work as there wasn't much we could do. Lisa had already left with her team to track down Rick. I sat with all four girls and watched them laugh, play, and talk. It had been a couple hours, Mia had fallen asleep on the couch and Ivy sat in Kira's lap asleep with her arms around Kira's neck. It was kind of precious to watch, Kira and Anna had both dozed off when Lisa came back in with who I'm guessing was Rick. She handed the guy off to one of her people and came in to check on us. I motioned for her to be as quiet as possible seeing as the four of them were asleep. I got up and carefully walked out to join Lisa.

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