Hostsage Situation (2)

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Hotch's leg bounced as his index finger rubbed the pad of his thumb, constantly looking at the entrance to the waiting room. It had been half an hour since they arrived at the hospital and Hotch was getting more impatient by the minute.

"When do you think we'll hear something?"., Emily said, sitting back in the chair. "Tell me about it"., Hotch said impatiently. "I texted Garcia. ..."., JJ said as she put one leg over the two other., "...She should be here soon". A doctor walked in, looking down at the clipboard in his hands. "Uh, Cameron Mackley?".

The team shot their heads up and got up., "she got far away enough from the bomb not to do to much damage. She's resting at the moment"., "but she's okay?"., Emily asked worriedly., "well she's got a few deep cuts to her back that required stitch's.

A second-degree burn to her arm, a concussion and well you already know about the broken nose and black eyes. All things considered, she's incredibly lucky"., Hotch closed his eyes for a moment and sighed loudly, shaking his head.

"Just do me a favour and don't tell her she's lucky"., the doctor nodded and looked down for a moment. "Can we see her?"., Hotch asked and the doctor nodded., "she won't be up for a while but yes-".

"Excuse me"., Hotch said as he pushed past him. The team went to follow him but Gideon shook his head, stopping them. "Give him a few minutes. ..."., he looked at the doctor., "...Can you tell us about the man that was with her?".

"Uh yes, I was told by the medics that Miss Mackley shielded him from the bomb?"., "she did"., "besides a few cuts and bruises along with a concussion he's going to be fine. Miss Mackley saved his life".

Hotch walked into the hospital room and put his head down as soon as he saw her, shaking his head. "I'm sorry. ..."., he muttered, sitting down next to the bed., "...I shouldn't of left". As Gideon said, the team waited a few minutes and walked in.

Emily was the first to walk up to her bed and looked at her sadly. "She should be up in an hour, Hotch"., he nodded and looked at the rest of the team as they sat down. "Uh, what about the hostage?"., "he's got a concussion along with a few cuts and bruises but other than that, he's fine. ..."., Reid cleared his throat.

"...By shielding him..Cam saved his life"., Hotch nodded and looked back at Cam., "I shouldn't of left. I knew it was dangerous"., "don't do that to yourself. ..."., Gideon shook his head., "...She has knowledge in explosives".

Emily looked at JJ who was just as confused as she was. She pulled JJ out of the room and closed the door. "She doesn't have knowledge in explosives"., Emily said quietly and JJ sighed and shaking her head, speaking at the same volume., "she lied to get him and the hostages out of the warehouse".

They heard rushing footsteps and looked to the side seeing Garcia rushing towards them with a teddy bear in her hands, along with her purse. "How is my love?"., she asked urgently., "she's got deep cuts to her back. A second-degree burn to her arm, a concussion and a broken nose and black eyes".

"Oh my!..."., Garcia gasped, gulped and nodded, tears welling her eyes. "...Okay, I uh I got her this teddy bear. I think she would like it". They walked back into the room and Reid cleared his throat. "Uh, Gideon is ordering us to go home and get some rest".

The girls shook their heads and Emily looked at Gideon. "Sir, with all due respect we're not leaving this hospital"., Garcia looked at Cam and tears streamed down her cheeks as she walked over to her side, placing the teddy bear beside her.

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