98 Cents

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"Babe Ruth?" They all screamed in unison.  Their eyes wide with panic as they frantically ran towards the old and rusty fence.  Running around us, they scrambled their way up the fence, hoisting themselves up with little upper strength they had.  Scotty and I shared a look, each look somewhat different.  His look was more of like a kicked puppy.  While mine was just murderous.


Suddenly, I clenched my hand into a fist and punched his shoulder roughly.  Not caring about being gentle, but still lightly enough to only leave a little bruise.  I try not to be rough with Scotty but this was just plain idiotic.  If it's in a trophy room, it's valuable.  We all thought Scotty was the brains of the family!


We watched silently as they surveyed whatever was going on.  After a minute, they all screamed in terror and scrambled back clumsily to where were standing.  Panting, Timmy spoke to Scotty, "You're as dead as a doornail, Smalls."


Repeat followed, "You're as dead as a doornail."


Clearly frustrated, Timmy sighed as he continued on with his rant.  "Smalls, you mean to tell me that you went home and swiped a ball that was signed by Babe Ruth?  And you actually brought it out here and played with it?"


"And actually played with it?"


Just as upset and frustrated as they were, Scott stomped his foot angrily in the ground.  "Yeah!  But I was gonna bring it back!"


"But it was signed by Babe Ruth!" Squints yelled over everyone else.  His squeaky and dorky voice being higher. 


He nodded, "Yeah, yeah, yeah.  You keep telling me that.  Who is she?"  His question sent everyone quiet.  Embarrassed to even be Scotty at that moment.  For once, I was upset to be called his sister.  Only because of my love for the sport and The Babe.

Everyone shared a look as I stared down at my interesting shoes, afraid to meet anyone in the eyes.  Actually, not afraid, embarrassed.  "What?" Ham's voice cracked as he voiced his thoughts.  "What?"


"The Sultan of Swat!"


"The King of Crash."


"The Colossus of Clout."


"The Colossus of Clout."


"Babe Ruth!" They all screamed together.  Breaking me from a moment of deja vu from when we all first met.


"The Great Bambino!" Ham yelled slowly and moved his mouth up and down. 


A look of recognition appeared across Scott's face before terror struck him like a homer.  Gripping his hair tightly, his face turned light pink.  Whether from embarrassment or terror, I'll never know.  "Oh my god!  You mean that's the same guy?"


"Yes." They chorused, and even I chimed in for that.  Except mine was more sympathetic than theirs.


"Smalls, Babe Ruth is the greatest baseball player that ever lived." Benny chimed in.


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