Story Time

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So after my little 'incident' nobody talked to me in the morning.  Scotty filled me in saying that they were spying on me and Phillips.  Now knowing that they know part of my secret I am truly terrified they will leave me for good.  I am starting to go a-wall here because they are giving me the cold shoulder.  Right now everyone is taking a break from baseball in the dugout.  This is the perfect chance to explain.

"Look!  We all need to talk!" I shouted over the boys voices.  They all look at me waiting for me to continue.  I sigh nervoulsy, "about what happened a day ago.  You guys have been the closest friends I have had.  You guys deserve to know.  Do you guys want to know or keep giving me the cold shoulder?" I ask.

"Go ahead," Ham whispers, folding his arm.  Everyone nods in agreement.  I look at Benny to see him looking at the ground.  I swear I can hear my own heart shattering. Have I lost my Benny?  Scotty puts a hand on my shoulder encouraging me to tell the truth. 

I suck in a shaky breath, "a couple of years back I was not the Jaylynn you know now today.  I was different.  I would get myself into pretty crazy shit." I chuckled dryly.  "I would piss people off I didn't know not giving a fuck about what they thought of me."  

"Back then I was invited to a party of somesort.  All of my bestest friends made me tag along, saying 'it's the party of the year' or 'don't be a baby'.  So I listened and went with them.  Little did I know what was going to happen."  I started tearing up remebering what had happened.

"I remembered there was alcohol and drugs at this party.  I didn't do any because I was only 11.  My other friends didn't give a damn and drank the night away.  I later learned it was a highschool party!  What eleven year olds go to a fuckin highschool party!" I yell letting a tear fall.

"I will remeber that night for the rest of my life-" I rudely got interrupted by Squints.

"What does this got to do what you did to Phillips?"

"I am getting there!  Anyways, I lost one of my closest friends, Daisy.  She wasn't drinking either so we decided to stick together.  I went out looking for her and came up short.  I couldn't find her.  After an hour almost everyone at the party had past out.  All of a sudden I heard a ear-splitting scream coming from one of the rooms.  I ran toward everyone till' there was only one left.  Once I had the door opened, I remember every detail that I saw." I stopped myself and took in a big breath.  A single tear traveled down my cheek.

"Their, was Daisy, she was on the cold hard floor naked, and dead.  It wasn't that that sickened me.  The guy who raped her was writing on the wall.  In her blood.  I was so scared that I ran away speechless and called the cops.  Once that all got wrapped up, they caught the phyco, and Daisy got a funeral.  But I will alway remember the way she looked.  The guy cut her stomach open, stabbed her body, and when the cops got there they said he stitched up her lips together.  It was so disturbing that they HAD to close the coffin, saying she would never look like what she did before." They all looked at me with pity, even Benny was looking at me.  Wow, something bad has to happen for him to look at me.

"That started my little crazy act.  I did things I don't even want to talk about.  So long story short,  I messed up with the wrong people and I got shot.  I was running from the cops, again.  Someone shot me as I was running in the stomach.  I was on my death bed.  Everyone thought that too.  I was just a kid, just like Daisy.  Except for being raped that is. The-"

"Then one day she woke up sworing she would stop.  We move here partially for that reason.  But I guess yesturday triggered something,  what did happen?" Scotty questions.  Everyone looks at me.  I stare at the ground.

"He was hitting on me,  when he got closer I just imagined what happened to Daisy.  Phillip may be younger then that murderer.  But looks can decieve you.  I would know." I finished looking at Benny.  Mainly saying that I had fallen for him.  He looked and acted like he cared for me, but when I broke he left.  But I am still happy we are together.  I really, really like him.

"We are sorry for treating you like trash Baby-Cakes." Kenny says.  I nodd towards him.


"So sorry."

"Please forgive us."

"Are you ok Baby-Cakes?"

All of their apologies came at me making me feel flustered.  "Thank you guys, it is just hard telling people.  Can we act like old times please?" I ask while making my ugly pout face.  They all nod and head out onto the feild.

I sat down watching them but I saw one of the main positions empty.  Looking around I notice him coming towards me.  His tan skin glowed in the sunlight, little beads of sweat glistened off of him.  He stopped when he was towering over me.  It was kind of an awkward position, he was inbetween my legs and leaned forward till' his face was a couple inches from mine.  I couldn't help it but look at his lips for a millisecond.

"I am so sorry.  I was a terrible boyfriend.  Can I make it up to you later tonight? After the game?" He asks.  I nodded a little.

"It is alright.  I understand and yea, I would love to." I said with a big smile plastered on my face.

"Good, because you are my Baby-Cakes." He said winking at me.  Oh, his chocolate brown eyes.  Don't get me started......

"And you are my baseball boy." I said then Benny kissed me.  It was so passionate and delicate.  He pulled away reluctantly resting his forehead onto mine.  At this moment I could tell that I love him.

Hope you LOVED it!  Comment and Vote for this.  Oh, and comment if you rather have me post more but have them short, or have me take a while and post something long. 


Author :D :D :D

(Daisy on the side.)

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