Meeting the gang

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Benny led us to a drug store near the center of the town, telling us to by quiet as we walked closer.  I thought about what I was going to do when we got to the field.  If they knew I played it could be disasterous, and I knew Scotty needed friends as much as I did.  Sighing quietly, I knew I had to keep my skills under the wraps if I wanted to please them and my mom.

I didn't even notice we arrived when I almost slammed into Benny's back.  Good thing I didn't, talk about awkward.  I looked up and saw a pudgy red head kid with a candy cigar (I think?) speaking jurberous.  Yah, I don't speak that language.

"Imagrweatbwambino," that was chorused by "what's?" for a while.  Then strawberry shortcake said, "I'm the great bambino!"


"Who's that?" O god.  Hold on let me go dig a hole a die.  How could he not know,  Bill even had a baseball signed by him.  Just.... Urghajdkfjiejfa

"What? Were you born in a barn man?" Oh hell to the no.  A tall and freckly kid with glasses stood there flabbergasted.  How I wish I could beat his face in.  I'm very protective of my brother since he can't really protect himself.

"Yeah-Yeah what planet are you from?" Not this kid too.  He was may be my height, tan skin, and a baseball mitt on his hand.  He's lucky he is cute.

"You never heard of Sulton of Swat?" A nerdy boy with glasses and a hat on said.

"The Titan of Terror?" "The Colossus of Clout?" "The Colossus of Clout?"

"The king of Crash man," Benny stated.  Scotty was so lost still, I mentally face palmed myself.  He looked like a deer caught in headlights.  Don't be stupid please!

"Oh yeah, the Great Bambino of course. I thought you said the.... Great Bambi." Oh My Gosh!

"That wimpy dear?" strawberry shortcake asked.  No one believed Scotty but they let it go.

"Yeah I guess, sorry."

I rolled my eyes at that.  He always says he's sorry over the smallest things.  It gets annoying but at least he says it.  Unlike some people. *Cough* Me *Cough*.  The group looked at each other all speechless, and quite frankly I don't blame them. "Anyways, Scott, Jaylynn that's Timmy and Tommy, Mike Squints Palledorous, Allan McClann but we call him Yeah-Yeah, Bertram Grover Weeks, Kenny Dunez, and Hamilton Porter but call him Ham for short."

While Benny was saying their names they all spit on the ground. Sigh boys are such, well, boys.  "Guys this is Scott Smalls, and his sister Jaylynn Smalls." Benny looked at me for a quick second but turned back to the group.

"Hey babe, nice figure you got there." strawberry shortcake or Ham said.  Eww, revolting.

"Yeah-Yeah like a dime," Yeah-Yeah exclaimed.  Boys are pigs, and to think I thought he was cute.  Not as cute as Benny.

"Shut your trap, actually I don't care, your not worth my time." I added a dramatic hairflip.  Scotty chuckled at my lame comeback.

"Yeah-Yeah whatever."

"Yeah, Um- well he's gonna play with us cause he make nine. Now we've got a whole team. C'mon we're wasting time, let's head to the sandlot!" Benny said.

"It's nine in the morning Benny!" "It's nine!" "To early!"

What did I get myself into....


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