HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hola all yah' smexy people out there who read my book!  Anyways HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!  Comment on how your day went, and I will respond.  So here was my day, I was very excited since last year I didn't get to see any fireworks.  I was sick for a whole week on my vacation, and staying inside with a sever case of strep thoat sucks so I tried to not get sick.  So here we are waiting to start and see the big fireworks.  We start with small ones which is okay, then after a while we were tired and even more excited to see other people's fireworks, more then ours.  I only took few pictures of ours and more pictures of other ones.  Then to makes things worst, it rains. 

That ruined my fourth of July!  Anyways have a splendid day and comment! :)



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