Old Times

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When I came home my parents were mad but they told me I wasn't grounded anymore.  They know now I will do anything to see Benny and the gang.  Good thing, it takes a lot of work to sneak out.  I am just to lazy to always do it.  So yeah, I can go out and do anything.  Well not anything but you get what I mean.

It started out as a regular day.  I got dressed, ate breakfast, went to sandlot, and then watched them play baseball.  I never thought this would've happened.  It pretty much all started out as Benny just got himself out of an amazing pickle.  My heart literally dropped when I saw him in that position, but still Benny never fails to amaze me. 

I was staring at Benny in amazement, he will certainly become a pro baseball player, and no matter what I will help him succeed.  It is his dream, and he has been working so hard.  Day and night, hot and cold, sunny and snowy, and probably till he can't move no more.  I love him so much.  I think it is cute how much he is in love with baseball.  When he told me he loves me more then baseball, but just by a bit, I literally knew that we were serious.  *Cue dreamy sigh*

"Oh No!" I hear Squints yell, throwing his baseball mitt to the ground.  I frown and turn around and clench my jaw.  There, riding their bikes, was Phillips and his gang.  I though I taught him a lesson before.  The sandlot gang throws all their mitts to the ground and march towards them.  I quickly make a run towards Benny, knowing he will protect from these little punks.  We all just stare at each other, I glared at David for a while, but then I glared at Phillip.  He caught my gaze and checked me out before winking.

I'm not gonna lie he must have guts to do that.

I look at him closley and notice his eye has a little blueish coloring to it.  I smirk and point to my eye.  His smirk turned in to a thin line.  Benny put his arm around my waist, protecting me.   I snuggled up in to his warm musky scent.  Grass and sweat.  Weird but addicting.

"It's easy when you play with a bunch of rejects, a fat kid, and a slutty cheerleader Rodriguez." Phillip comments.

"You shut your mouth Phillips!" Benny points his bat at him with his free hand.  I draw random crap on his back to calm him down.  I know Phillip is just saying it but some how I knew it probably looked like I was a slut.  I hang out with boys everyday, even if I am with Benny.  But I can't let his words get to me.  Or at least not now.

"What you say crap face?" Ham yells at Phillips.  We are kind of in a triangle form, and Ham is in the front.

"I said you shouldn't even be aloud to touch a baseball.  Except for Rodriguez, you're all an insult to the game."

"Come on!  We'll take on right here!  Right now!" Ham yells, dirty images get out of my head!  We all shout in agreement.

"We play on a real diamond Porter.  You ain't good enough to lick the dirt off our cleats."

"Watch it jerk." Ham says, get really irritated probably by just looking at Phillips.

"Shut up idiot!"


"Scab Eater."

"Butt sniffer!"

"Puss licker!"

"Fart smeller!" Bertrum breathes in loudly then exhales making everyone laugh on our side.

"You eat dog food for breakfast, geek."

"You mix your wheaties with your mama's toe jams!" Okay, that was a little gross.

"You bob for apples in the tiolet, and you like it."

"YOU PLAY BALL LIKE A GIRL!!!!!!!!" Ham yells making everyone gasp except me.  I glare so harshly I wish I could kill him with it.

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