Falling in to a Dark Tunnell

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Some how, Scotty persuaded me in to moving my lazy but out of bed for once.  So here I am walking with the rest of the gang acting normal.  Scotty would give me these glances that made me feel even guiltier than before.  I've been trying to stay clear of Benny, but not enough to make him worried.  So far he hasn't questioned it and I'm very thankful for that.  I am also thankful that Phillip and his gang are no where is sight.

We just exited Vincent's drug store, buying more baseballs and Bazooka's.  I was standing near Yeah-Yeah as he tossed his glove back and forth.  Benny lead the group down the streets, I swear he is a natural born leader.  I smiled a little bit, thinking about that.  The more I thought about Benny, the more I thought about other things.  Like how he deserved better than me.  I know it sounds typically cliche to feel this way, but I can't help it.  I heard that all the girls were swooning at their school, which I have yet to gone to.  Benny could have a prettier cheerleader that is preppy and girly.  Plus he could join Phillp's team, a better field, better equipment, and can offer him a better future.  But even I knew that Benny would never join them, even if he would lose all his fingers if he didn't.

The sandlot entered our sights making us run towards it, as if it was the gates to heaven.  I took my normal seat in the old dugout.  It really needed a touch up, but if I said anything then they would think that would be girly.  More like Ham would.  I cheered loudly as Benny stepped up to the plate.  He smiled at me, then turned serious. In those few seconds, my heart was leaping out of my chest.   I don't know why, but it just was.  Everyone inhaled sharply as Benny swung the bat, creating an echoing sound, crack!

Scotty held up his glove, ready to catch the ball.  Which he did, well, more like part of the ball.  His eyes widened in amazement as he stared down at his hand.  Inside was the inside of the ball.  No one has seen that here and it would forever be remembered.  I leaped up from my seat and raced everyone to see the outside of the ball.  I ran as fast a jackal, beating everyone.  The sight before me made me go wide eyed.  I put my hands on my knees, "Holy shit."

By now everyone crowded around the skin of the ball, whispering incoherent words.  "I don't believe it," Some one whispered.

"Bitchin'" Bertrum commented making me snort quietly.  Benny stood by me so I gave him a side hug and a kiss on the cheek. I immediately pulled bag feeling him frown.  He sighed angrily and kicked at the dirt, making it fly up and cascade back down to the ground.

"No it ain't," Benny said.  

Everyone quickly disagreed, "C'mon Benny man!  May be two or three guys in history have busted the guts out of a ball." Squints says.

"Must be an omen." I said, amazement thick in my voice.  This was my first time seeing this happen, and it may be my last. 

"All's it means is that we can't play no more." Benny said beating himself up about it.  I frowned at his negative comments and put my hand on his shoulder for comfort which he shrugged off.  I'm not gonna lie, that hurt me a little bit.  Why was he acting so harsh?  Yet, I shoudln't say anything and be glad he hasn't dumped me.  "It's only 12:00!  And I just ruined the whole day for us."

"No you didn't, that's the most amazing thing I've ever saw." Kenny spoke up.  Which was almost rare, he barely talked anymore.  Sure he wasn't quiet, but usually Yeah-Yeah or Squints out spoke him.

"Yeah," Ham whispered.  Agreeing with Kenny, and for once Ham was speechless.  

"Does anybody got any money?" I searched my brain for any recent events for any money I've made, but all I could think about was the kissing booth.  I sighed angrily and stomped my foot harshly causing for some heads to turn my way.  I didn't care though, I just wish I could get that dumb memory out of my head.  There is a lot of things I wish I could erase from my mind, and this has made it to the top five at least.

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