Baby Cakes and The Beast

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I was in Scotty's room with out him knowing.  He had his pajamas on and was writing something down.  I peered over his shoulder seeing, "Baseball Stuff to Remember."  Oh brother....  "Hey Scotty!"

"ASDF!"  Scotty leaped up in the air trying to cover his notes. "Why-wer-ge-jus... Just get out please!" Scotty stuttered.  I nodded my head.

"As you wish but Scotty, I wanted to say I am very proud of you.  Goodnight."  With that I headed toward my room falling asleep.


Scotty has been playing with the Sandlot boys a little over a week.  I tag along now as much as I can now that I know everyone better now.  Scotty has gotten better over the days and is now part of the 'gang'.  The boys joke on how I am like their mother on the field.  It is quite true.  Benny and I have gotten closer and I consider him one of my closest friends. 

But anyways, today is a celebrating day!  Wonder why?  Well, I am getting my baseball stuff back and I am allowed to play.  Eek!!!!!!  Right now I am sitting in the dugout waiting for Ham to actually hit the ball not the air.  "Hamilton "The Babe" Porter.  Long Ball Porter.  Come on Denunez."  Ham murmered pointing to the sky.  We all laughed at that idiot.

"Yeah, okay I see it. Yes." Benny said.  Benny was the catcher with Hamilton batting.  Kenny threw a fast one landing in Benny's mitt.  "Woah."

"You call that pitching!?" Ham yelled swinging the bat.  "This is baseball!  Not tennis!"

"Give him a tennis racket!" I yelled.  All of the boys were boiling with laughter.

"Shut it Baby Cake!  Give me something to hit!"  Yelled Ham.  Ham always comes up with a new nickname.  Lately they call me Baby Cake. 

"All right Ham, this is my heater. I dare you to hit it!"  Kenny dared.  Oooo, Ham is dead.  Kenny's heaters are one of the best I have seen in my baseball life.

"You will be sorry." Ham murmmered.  With that Kenny threw his heater toward Ham.  I closed my eyes preparing to hear Ham's defeat.  CRACK!!!  I opened my eyes to see the ball flying over the fence.  Automatic home run!  I stood up shouting, "Good job Ham!"  I looked around noticing everyone throwing their mitts at Ham as he jogged around the field breathlessly.

"Ham, you idiot!  Now we can't play no more."  Benny complained.  Now all my attention was toward Benny.  The catcher's uniform was off of him showing off his clothes.   He had on jeans, a whit tee with a blue button-up shirt over that, and a blue hat turned backwards.  He looked utterly and desirably attractive.  You can see the small sweat glistening off his forehead in an attractive way.  I was to focused on Benny to realize everyone was shouting and running towards Scotty.  They were pulling him off the fence.  What!?!?

I ran towards Scotty as he was let down.  "What the hell guys!" I boomed.  They all looked frightened at me but quickly blinked it away. Benny looked at me while licking his lips.  Damn....

"Holy crap you could've been killed!" Squints explained.  No help.

"Yeah-Yeah truly, what were you doing?" Yeah-Yeah asked gasping for air.  No help.

"You guys were leaving so I'd just thought I'd hop the fence an-" Scotty said but was interrupted by a god- I mean Benny.

"You can't go back there."

"Then how do we get the ball back?" Scotty asked.  I groan kicking at the dirt.  I may have no clue what was happening but at least I knew that the ball was ancient.  Benny put his hand on my lower back rubbing small circles.  My whole body froze with tiny electricity sparks flying through with the physical contact.  I just stood there like a deer in headlights but instantly relaxed knowing Benny wanted me to.

"We don't."

"We don't."

"It's history."

"It's history."

"Kiss it goodbye."

"Kiss it g-"

"Shut up Tommy."  The repeat twins are so confusing.

"It's gone man, gone." Bertram said.

"Games over man.  We'll just get another ball tomorrow."  Benny said removing his hand.  My back felt cold with out his warm hand.  "We'll never see it again."

"Why not?" Scotty questioned.  That is weird, they are all acting scared. 

"The beast." They all said but Scotty and me.  I looked at Benny as if he was medusa.  He sighed walking up toward Scotty.

"Smalls, listen to me.  Go to that fence.  Real slow and be quiet." Benny whispered pushing Scotty toward the fence.  When Benny made it back to the group I tiptoed up to his ear and said, "if he gets hurt I would want to run if I were you."

He looked at me surprised, "Is that a threat Baby Cakes," he whispered back with a smirk.  The way he said my nickname made me shiver.  I was going to reply when I heard a scream.  I looked at the fence seeing Scotty running away from the fence.

"Something got the ball." Scotty said.  "W-what was that thing?"

Everyone looked at each other before answering, "camp out."


We were heading home when Benny pulled me aside.  "You can come if you would like." He offered.

I smirked looking up at him, "does wittle Benny boo want me to come?" I asked.

His face turned a deep cherry red, he tried looking down so I wouldn't see.  I chuckled at his childish behavior.  "W-w-well  I-we uh-er...." I shut him off with a kiss on the cheek.  He immediately stopped rambling.  I lingered my lips on his face a little to long, until finally moving up to his ear.

"I would be honored. Bye." I whispered moving back.  I laughed running away.  His face was priceless.

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