Well I am pissed!

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Okay lets get this straight.  I have not forgotten about this story at all, in fact I was going to start typing today.  But when I was heading to youtube it skipped the part I needed, and that made me mad.  So I tried to get it on my phone.  Which it said that this video has content that is not allowed on this device, something like that.  So now I keep trying, and trying, and trying!  I am literally crying. :( 

Goodness, while I was typing this I realized something.  A way to get the part of the movie.  Or the whole movie.... I have to steal my grandpa's movie of The Sandlot.  It is not really stealing.  I see it as borrowing it for a very important reason.  That important reason is you guys.  ily <3

Btw please don't kill me, this is like the fifth author's note I have updated and I am beating myself up for that. (Not really, self harm is bad.)

Love and don't hate,


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