Chapter 2: The King Goes To War

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The next day the princess wakes up and puts on a yellow and blue dress and puts her hair in a bun and goes downstairs and says to the cooks you can take a break and have breakfast with us I will cook for everyone she said with a smile. She cooked and everyone was amazed at how well of a cook she was they said you're a very good cook princess Zelda said thank you in the happiest voice ever, then the princess went to play with her friends in the woods knowing that the bullies won't find her there. And then they were playing hide and seek and Zelda was closing her eyes and when she got to 10 she said ready or not here I come. Then she found one of her friends and 10 minutes later the game of hide and seek was over Zelda found everyone and then they went and played tag for a bit. Then Zelda and her friends were tired so they went to town and sat on a bench to take a break. Then a servant came and told Zelda that her father needed her right now and she said bye to her friends and then Zelda was with her father. Her father said that he will be gone for a while and that her stepmother will be in charge so be a good girl for her and do what she says   Mipha gave that evil grin and the king kissed Zelda on the forehead and said I will be back soon and he left and then the queen said to Zelda now you will be working hard doing the dishes, taking care of the animals cooking every day got it she said in a fearful tone in the hopes that scares Zelda.                                       The princess was shocked she had never seen that side of her stepmother.                                               But the princess still was happy as she always is with the work she would do.                             The queen made rules to never speak of the princess's beauty and tries to convince her that she's ugly even though the plan wouldn't work but the queen hopes this plan works.

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