Chapter 19: Battle Of Divine Beast Vah Ruta

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The battle at Hyrule field raged on and then Link, Zelda, Hylia, and the hero of the sky were outnumbered Zelda says Link this is the end we lost.                                                                    Don't lose hope my love said, Link.                         And the moment link said don't lose hope the skies turned gray and lightning struck down a huge amount of the demons and then Urbosa was standing there wearing the thunder helm on her head and then she said don't worry little bird help is on the way I'm not the only champion here to help then Daruk appears then Revali and last but not least Mipha.        Link was slicing down hordes of demons left and right with the sword that seals the darkness and Zelda was sealing away hordes of demons left and right the fighting continued and the demon forces didn't even stand a chance as they struggled and then Ravenna and Mipha came to their aid and Mipha was battling the champion Mipha and Ravenna were battling Link and Link swung his sword at Ravenna and then she blocked his attack with her sword and then she turned into a bunch of ravens and flew behind Link and when he least expects it he stabs him in the back and then Ravenna says you can't beat the worlds most powerful queen none of you stand a chance and then Urbosa snaps her fingers and lightning strikes down at Ravenna and electrocutes her and then Zelda uses her goddess sealing power on her that weakens Ravenna she's standing there badly wounded.                                                                     Meanwhile, with The champion Miphas fights against queen Mipha, the queen strikes at Mipha with her sword but misses, and then the queen swings at the champion again and her trident and the queen's sword are connected while they both are trying to out mussel each other and then Mipha cries to Daruk for help and then he comes to the recuse and then Mipha uses her trident to fling the queen in the air and then Daruk smash's queen Mipha with boulder breaker and then she was badly wounded.                                                        The champion Mipha runs over to link and heals him with her healing magic and then Link grabs his sword and stabs Ravenna in the chest then both of her arms and then her head.    Ravenna says retreat retreat then demon forces go back under the earth heading back to all four corners of Hyrule then Ravenna is standing next to the queen and says this is not over then the queen seriously looks at her and then she says I mean the both of us will get our revenge you maybe won but we'll win in the end says Ravenna with her evil laugher.                                                                       Link charges at the queen and Ravenna and then they disappear.                                                              Ugh, but what do we do now said Link.                                             That's what I was about to ask but since the fight in Hyrule field is over what do we do now said, Zelda.                                                              Then Hylia looks at her husband then everyone else and says now champions, princess, hero of the wild, and my husband this is what we do now we take back the divine beasts we take back Vah Ruta we finally now have Vah Ruta's champion by our side we shall win we shall get troops from all four corners of Hyrule to help us we will prevail.                                          The champions, Zelda, Link, and Hylias husband give her a round of applause. Then Daruk says but how will we get soldiers without getting into harm's way?                                                                      Then Hylia says oh yeah about that I have a plan I can just summon them here. So then Hylia uses her power to summon Gerudo, Goron, Zora, and Rito's soldiers.                                                                                   Ok now we can go take back Vah Ruta said Hylia. So Zelda and everyone started heading their way to Vah Ruta it was an hour away from their location in Hyrule field and then after an hour of traveling they arrived at the bridge that led to the trail of Zora's domain and there was a small demonic guard at the gate. So then Link goes down to the gate and takes all of the demons out solo without the demons landing a single blow then Link says come on follow me I know the way. So everyone followed link and the skies turn gray into rain clouds and then it started pouring down rain on their way to Zora's domain and then they get close to the entrance between them and the bridge that leads to Zora's domain was a water monster which later they find out it's one of the Greek Titans the oldest of the Titans called Oceanus.                                                 Wait what is that thing I don't think we can defeat that thing said, Link. Hylia says that is the Greek Titan Oceanus a part of a race of gods called the Titans which were later overthrown by Zeus and his brothers who became the Olympians after the Titan's defeat well it seems Demise must have brought them through and corrupted them with malice and yes Link the Titans can be stopped.                   So Hylia says I'll fight the Titan you stay here so she jumps into the air 10 feet and fly's to the Titan Oceanus and he uses his fist to punch the goddess and she blocks the Titans fist with her shield and then she uses her magic by shooting beams of light at the Titan and it knocks him down to his knees and then he uses his magic by summoning a malice tsunami that stuns the goddess and then he grabs the goddess and starts squeezing her trying to suffocate her then her husband grabs his sword and jumps so high and fly's to the Titan and stabs him in the eye and then he drops the goddess and then  the Titan gets angry and grabs his sword and aimlessly swings his sword at the two at the speed of waves from the ocean the goddess and her husband dodge each attack and then she summons a huge sword that descends from the heavens and she aims it at the Titan and stabs him right in the chest and then the Titan starts splashing water on the goddess and her husband and the power of the water is so much that it knocks them down in the water down to where his feet level is and then he uses his foot to step on the goddess and her husband and then the goddess and her husband uses their strength to lift the foot and then they pick up the Titan and body slams him down into the water and then the goddess pulls the sword out of the Titans chest and then with the giant sword she cuts the titans head off then her husband delivers the final blow with his godly sword and then she seals the Titan away back to the world it came from.                                            Meanwhile back at Hyrule castle prince Reuel in his ultimate form after an hour of fighting uses his strength to weaken the goddesses and then he uses his power to lock them in a cage and then he commands Yuga to help defend Goron city then Yuga disappears and then Prince Reuel summons two mindless Ganon and commands them to make sure the goddesses don't escape and then Prince Reuel disappeared.                                                                  When the goddess and her husband turned their attention back to everyone Prince Reuel appears and the goddess says I thought I sealed you away.                                                                      The great Demise gave me a second chance and I'll use it to my full advantage said Prince Reuel.                                                                             So then Reuel summons the Titan back and then he uses his malice to consume the energy and power of the Titan and then he reseals the Titan back to Greece.                                                  Oh yes, I feel stronger than before nothing stands a chance against me says prince Reuel with an evil laugh.                                                           Then Prince Reuel disappears back to the castle. What Hylia I thought you sealed him said, Link.                                                                              I did but Demise must've broke his seal so he can have the upper hand in stopping us but let's get a move on Demise won't win said Hylia. So then everyone crosses the bridge to Zora's domain on the other side they were greeted by a horde of Demons and then the battle of divine beast Vah Ruta begins.                                          Meanwhile back at Korok forest, the troops are waiting for Zelda and her crew to return victorious in their conquest of taking back the divine beasts Snow White couldn't stop watching this handsome knight train and he was strong too so strong that he can be the commander of the hyrulain troops so after he stopped with his training Snow White walked up to him and greeted him. Hello, my name is Snow White and I'm a princess what's yours, you brave knight?                   Princess call me Knight Gabriel it's nice to meet you. Snow White smiles at him and says your very handsome and then she kisses him on the cheek. But Princess I don't think I'm worthy of falling for you and marrying you because of the royal law said the knight. But I don't live in the world of which I came from so the royal law doesn't apply to me said Snow White. Good point and I love you princess said the knight. I love you too said Snow White.                                                                             I hope that Zelda and everyone return successfully said the knight. They will have faith my love said, Snow White.                                                                     The koroks say interesting looks like love is blooming praise Hylia. Meanwhile back at the castle yes I've returned successfully said Reuel. Hey Reuel what are you gonna do just stand there and do nothing said Kohga. No, I'm here guarding this place said Reuel.                                                               Well, I'm just gonna leave this seems like a waste of time said Kohga. Before you go Kohga I have something to say firstly it's not a waste of time secondly post some foot soldiers at death mountain, Gerudo Desert, and rito village it will be a waste of time to do so at zora's domain that would be wasting soldiers and some at your base said Reuel. Sooga appears out of nowhere and says consider it done then disappears. Well, I didn't know Sooga was here this whole time said Reuel. Maybe it wasn't a waste of my time said Kohga.                                                                 Then Kohga disappears and meanwhile at Gerudo desert Sooga commands all of the foot soldiers to go to every place to guard that Reuel mentioned earlier and then Ravenna and the Queen appear.                                                            Queen Mipha says we got into a fight with Zelda, Link, the champions, Hylia, and the hero of the sky and lost, and also Ravenna is severely injured thanks to that stupid knight.                        Well, Ravenna you stay here and recover, queen Mipha you go help my foot soldiers by guarding the entrance from Goron city to the bridge that leads up to death mountain I'll stay here and protect the base said Kohga.                           But what about me said Sooga.                                     I almost forgot you Sooga well you go and guard Rito village said Kohga.                                                      Then Sooga and Mipha disappear and reappear at the direct location that they were ordered to guard meanwhile back at the castle Reuel does a ritual and says my malice that flows inside of me here me and give me the power to break my brother Repulp out of his seal then he wakes up in another realm and then he sees his brother and then Reuel says hang in there brother I'll break you out then he grabs his sword and he swings at the chains that are keeping his brother sealed and after breaking all of the chains his brother is free.         Repulp says I've returned Thank you, brother, now we shall get our vengeance on that goddess but I have a question how did you break out?                                                                        Well, the calamity broke me out of my seal and he's our master our god we must repay him by serving him it's our best chance for revenge said Reuel.                                                                    Well let's get out of here brother said Repulp.     So Reuel says bring me back to the castle to the malice that flows through my veins.                                                             So the brothers return to the castle and then Reuel says Vaati you go to Rito village and help the yiga clan guard the entrance to the village, Yuga I have no need of you so you go help Kohga because he needs all the help he can get, and Repulp you go guard the sanctum.     Well, you forgot about me your not going to forget about me as the calamity did would you said, Zant.                                                                  No no of course not so you'll also help Kohga said Reuel.                                                          Then Zant, Repulp, Vaati, and Repulp disappear and reappear at the locations where they were ordered to be.                                Meanwhile back at Zoras Domain Hylia says charge and the great army and the demonic hordes fight head to head and then Hylia, all four champions, Link and Zelda teleports inside of Divine beast Vah Ruta and then they were greated by Reuels malice troops and water blight ganon Hylia and the champions go head to head with Reuels malice troops while Zelda And Link go to the control room to fight Water blight so water blight summons five ice cubes and sends them at Zelda and Links direction and Link and Zelda dodges the attack and then Zelda uses her goddess power to stun water blight and then Link runs at water blight and hits water blight five times and then the effect of Zeldas power wears off and when Link isn't looking Water blight swings his sword at Link and that causes Link to fly across to the other side of the room and then he slams into wall of Vah Ruta very hard to where Link struggled to stand for a second or two then Link charges at Water blight and then water blight swings his sword at Link and he parry's the the attack with his shield and Zelda says be careful my love I love you and Link says Thankyou beautiful I will and then Link turns his attention back to the stunned Water Blight then with his sword he hits water blight five times again then Water Blight is no longer stunned by Link blocking his attack then water Blight swings his sword at Link again and Link dodges and then he swings at Link again and Link dodges and then Water Blight starts teleporting uncontrollably and uncontrollable swings his sword at Link and Link swings his sword back and he blocks each attack with his sword and then he parry's his shield at one of Water Blight Ganons attacks and then he says Zelda use your powers on water blight now.           Then Zelda uses her goddess power to weaken Water Blight then Link hits Water Blight one time then again and again then he delivers the final blow and then with the power of the sword inside of thunder blight and the sealing power all start fusing together and then Water Blight is sealed away.                                       Reuel appears and summons Water Blight and takes his power and then Reuel says I will finish what I started and kill you once and for all you stupid knight and I'll get my vengeance goddess then Reuel disappears.                                  Get back here you coward said, Link.                        Then the demon hordes retreat and then Hylia put her hand on Link's shoulder and says your time of glory will come now is not your time to fulfill your destiny.                                                       We got one of the four divine beasts under our control we will prevail we will win nothing will stop us good luck champion said Hylia.                      Thank you great goddess said Champion Mipha.                                                                               So then Hylia, the three champions, Zelda and Link teleport back to the entrance of Zora's domain and the Zoras come out of hiding including prince Sidon and king Dorephan and they all rejoice that the threat came to pass.          King Dorephan says we've been waiting for a champion of the Zora and who is that champion.                                                                      Well, that champion came from another dimension her name is Mipha princess of the Zora said, Zelda.                                                          Ah so in another dimension I have a sister interesting said Sidon.                                                     So I'll send my son Sidon with you to help you on your quest but only if he stays on the divine beast the whole time said king Dorephan.             Consider it done Dorephan said Hylia then she teleports him to divine beast Vah Ruta and her and she tells the both of them that they are heading to Goron city next to take back Vah Rudania then she teleports back to the bridge.       Hylia says we will be heading to Goron City to take back Vah Rudania next also we will post a small guard to help protect you from any further attacks and that will buy you time to rebuild.                                                                       Then Hylia, her husband, the three champions, divine beast vah ruta, Zelda, Link, and the great army all head their way to goron city.                     Meanwhile back at the yiga hideout Hades appears and says what can I do to help Kohga.       First of all, I know you are a god but it's master Kohga but I'm not that fussy, and second of all go to umm go to Rito village and help my troops guard there.

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