Chapter 15: Reuels Victory

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This time you won't win I will Link the time for your demise is now said Reuel.                            

Reuel I will beat you and I won't let you lay a finger on Zelda.

Oh, this whole time I just wanted power, not this stupid princess's love I'm surprised you haven't figured that out yet Link said Reuel.     Link and Reuel start fighting, Link swings his sword at Reuel and Reuel blocks the attack he swings his sword back at Link and the power of the sword pushes link down to the ground

Looks like you improve your fighting skills Reuel said Link.

Reuel uses the power of his malice to form a sword made of malice and then Reuel says Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha now with this sword made of pure malice I shall kill here and now.

what's happening said Reuel.                

Oh, Reuel you think we Gerudo can't multitask well think again said Urbosa.

Urbosaaaa said Reuel in frustration, then Reuel says rise my malice army and kill the Gerudo chief.        

Yes, master, we will do as you command says Reuels malice army.       The Gerudo and Reuel's malice army start fighting and the malice army starts killing off the Gerudo one by one then Urbosa we are losing troops left and right we should retreat said her troops.         

As chief of the Gerudo, I command you to retreat, troops, retreat now.

Reuel says with a sinister smile I'm winning keep fighting troops keep fighting we will be victorious, Now Link I will end you now I will take your life once and for all. Then Link and Reuel start fighting and Link slams Reuel to the ground with the sword that seals the darkness and then he tries to stab him through the heart Reuel blocks the attack with his sword then he jumps up and stabs Link's leg even though he's injured Link decides to keep fighting.

Link says to Reuel after he got injured go ahead and try to kill me but you will lose in end and will be a defeat for your evil actions said Link.
Then Link hits Reuel with his sword and then he stabs Reuel in the chest and yanks the sword out of his chest fast and then Reuel falls to the ground in severe pain.
Reuel says in severe pain I have the advantage but why won't you dead yet?

It's because I'm not going down any time soon said, Link.

You think you're going to live that's not gonna happen said Reuel.
Then Reuel rises into the air, Reuel raises his arms and then malice starts consuming him and then he forms into a humanoid malice monster.
Oh, my Hylia you turned into something that the legends describe what Ganon looks like said, Link.

My malice army surround him now said Reuel.

I can't escape I can't find my way out help me said, Link.

Linkkkkkk let go of me Urbosa, I need to save him please said Zelda.

No little bird we have to retreat.

No, we need to save him I love him I don't want him to die we shouldn't leave him said Zelda showing a cute face hoping that it was enough for Urbosa to let go of her.

Don't worry little Bird we will save him.

But what if we don't save him on time, I don't want him to die said Zelda starting to show tears.

Little bird doesn't worry we will save him the goddess will protect him don't cry, princess.

Thank you Urbosa I trust you your the closest thing I ever have to a mother said Zelda hugging her and squeezing her a bit too hard.

Your welcome little bird don't squeeze me too hard.              

Meanwhile, in the prison chambers of Reuel's castle, Reuel says Link I will let you live for now oh it seems like your wondering where your master sword is right, well it's in the trophy room I hope you enjoy your stay because now I have the triforce of courage in my possession, I will take it for myself, will you kindly give it to me.

I will never give you the triforce of courage. Then Reuel uses his malice to forcibly pull the triforce of courage out of Links's position then Reuel says thank you for letting me have the triforce of courage Link.

Then Reuel teleports out of his castle to the afterlife below to the stairs that lead to the throne of the goddess, then Reuel says now my malice army we will destroy the goddess once and for all.

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