Chapter 17: The Calamity's Ultimate Form

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Three golden goddesses guide me to victory please descend for we are facing a great threat said Hylia. Who is this great threat says the goddesses?                                                                            The demon king Demise said Hylia.                                                        So the three golden goddesses descended from the heavens to help the goddess and Zelda beat the calamity at the very center of Hyrule field meanwhile in the castle Ghirahim says almighty Demise the three golden goddesses are here what do we do now?                                      Do not fear demon hordes here me and rise said Demise.                                                                 So the skies turn black and the earth cracks wide open with demonic hordes rushing through the visor the three golden goddesses say we will teleport to the castle to destroy Demise once and for all while the rest of you deal with the demons.                                                        Consider it done said Hylia.                                      Death was everywhere innocent people are dying and a fearsome battle broke out Link gets penned down by one of the demons and when he thought that he was done for then Hylias husband saves him and defeats the demon Link says thanks I couldn't have survived without your help.                                                                               No problem says the hero of the sky.                      Meanwhile, at the castle Demise, you've lost give up says the three golden goddesses.                       Give up why should I when I have the triforce right in front of me that you three will be using to destroy me when I can just take it from you says Demise.                                                   The goddess of power strikes with her sword of power at Demise and misses.                            You make me laugh Din how can a very powerful being missed their target like that says Demise?                                                          Then Demise grabs Din by the throat and yanks the triforce of power off her hand and then he uses the triforce of power to collect the other two pieces of the triforce and then he revives Reuel and says Reuel you want a second chance do you now keep these goddesses busy for me.                                             Reuel says oh I will keep them busy for you master.                                                                         Mipha, Ravenna you go help the demon horde, Yuga you stay with Reuel and help him beat the three golden goddesses, Malladus you go to the gates of Hyrule, Vaati you go guard the entrance to the sanctum Ghirahim follow me we must complete the ritual.                                                                     Then the calamity goes to the center of the sanctum and says triforce here me bring me to my ultimate form then Demise transforms into his ultimate form his body is made of malice and volcanic rock wings in the form of malice hands that are a bloody red which is the color blood and devilish horns and then Ghirahim turns into Demises sword and then Demise says here me triforce for I want your complete power and then the ritual of the power of the triforce starts draining the object into Demise and if he has that power nothing will stop him nothing will stand in his way.

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