ch 18

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4 months later

I woke up about 1am to my side of the bed being wet.  I turn to wake Sandora but she's nowhere in bed. I start to panic. "JULIETTE  BABY WHERE ARE YOU"  I called out. "Im in the bathroom please come here" she yelled. I run into the bathroom and I say "babygirl is everything okay, your side of the bed was soaking wet." She groans in pain and says "I'm not sure, I know my water broke and my contraction are 5to7 minutes apart. We need to get to the hospital as soon as possible."


My water broke about 1am it's currently 1:23am. I am in unexplainable pain. I decided to take a bath and count my contractions. Scotty yelled out to me. He came into the bathroom and saw me in pain. He immediately picked me up she took me out the car. We sped to the hospital and once we were there, Scotty ran inside and got a wheelchair. He ran back to the car and helped me out and wheeled me inside. He told the nurse what was going on, she immediately got me in an elevator to go to the labor and delivery rooms.

After getting the IV and stuff hooked up and the medicine flowing through. i started having sharp pains again.

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