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"I didn't know, he never told me. How could I have worked there and never known what they did to those children?"

You were just a little girl. Seemed so small, so defenseless. I didn't know it back then, how could I? We were just 12 years old. We were just kids.

"How did this happen?"

I didn't understand much of Lucinda and my mother's conversation that day. Or the effect that would have on my life.

"I was just at work, at the lab, and then there was this explosion. Everything went up in flames and I ran. I made it out with a few bruises, I was working at the front desk receiving packages. I ran out and looked back, everything was burning, but there weren't any regular flames. They were black flames. She walked out, walked out through the flames before the building collapsed."

It's hard to believe even now that there was life before you.

"You're saying she's.."

That I was ever happy before you.

"Yes. That wasn't light souls doing..."

That I would die because of you.

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