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"Sex." Liz says with a sigh and a smile. She takes a seat next to me on the couch.

"Sex?" I ask.

"Yes, Edith. Sex. They tell you about all the infections and the bad stuff in school, but they never tell you about how good it feels."

"So you're having sex with Max?" I ask, taking the bag of chips from her. She doesn't answer, she just smiles.

"Sex, Edith. We're young. We should be having it, lots of it. Before we're old and it starts to hurt just by moving."

"How do you know who to have sex with?" This question makes her laugh a little.

"You poor thing. You poor, poor innocent thing. Well for starters, people have sex with who they date. Their partners. Their girlfriends, boyfriends, and everything in between." She takes the bag of chips back and puts some in her mouth. "But, I mean, you can have sex with anyone. Doesn't always have to be emotional. It can just happen because it feels good."

"Do you... do you think Emely and Luca are, are have sex?" I ask. I regret it instantly. Why would I ask? It's their business.

"They'd be dumb not too. We're young! Teenagers! Sexually active human beings with hormones. Crazy, raging hormones." She yells and laughs.

"Sex..." I say processing it all. She just smiles and sighs.


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