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"Please, Look at me." She rolls her eyes and then they meet mine. I examine them both, search for any sign of doubt.

"I'm not hurting myself," She says but I don't budge. "Luca," She says, inching closer. "I'm not going to kill myself." She reassures me and I finally step away. She hops off the counter and walks towards the fridge. "Making me say things like that sounds overly dramatic, you know that right?"

"Humor me, will ya?" I take a seat at the dining table and Edith serves two bowls of cereal. She sets one bowl in front of me and then takes a seat across from me. "How are you enjoying California so far?" I ask to fill in the silence.

"Hot." She answers and smile and nod.

"Very, but fall is around the corner."

"How are things with you and Emely?" She asks and I nearly choke on my food.

"Yeah, um, good." I say in between coughs. We've never had to talk about these sorts of things. I've never dated, neither has she. So it's weird, it's new.

"You're uncomfortable." She states and I let out a small nervous laugh. "We don't have to talk about it."

"Thank you," I let out a sigh of relief. "How are you adjusting to school?"


"And Liz?"


"Don't let her make her change you too much," I'm not the biggest fan of Liz, Edith knows this. She comes off so strong, judgy, and like the type of girls that would bully Edith and I in middle school, even at our last high school. That isn't to say that Liz doesn't make fun of me.

"Change me?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want you to lose your...charm." I smile and a line appears between her brows. "We'll work on that charm."

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