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"What? You think this is funny?" I say and she nods. Her hand is over her mouth trying to hold back her laugh. I shake my hair and many sprinkles fall out.

"What is going on?" Scotty says as he and Todd walk into the shop. I ruffle my hair with one hand in an attempt to shake off the rest of the sprinkles.

"He used too much force in opening the sprinkles can." She says, still laughing a little.

"Yeah, right, like Luca has the strength to use force." Todd adds in and I roll my eyes.

"And you two are?" Emely asks.

"Scotty and Todd." I answer and she nods.

"We are this nerd's friends." Todd says reaching over the counter to mess with my hair, as if it wasn't already a mess. "You must be the lovely Emely," Todd winks at her.

"Quit it." I warn and rolls his eyes.

"Yes," Emely smiles, giving a quick glance in my direction.

"Are you guys actually here to buy something?"

"Nope," Todd smiles.

"Just here to be a pain in your ass." Scotty salutes.

"That's us, we're the pain. Reporting for duty, sir." Todd also stands straighter and salutes. I shake my head and Emely laughs. 

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