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"So what do you guys usually do when you hangout anyways?" My mom asks while I finish my breakfast.

"We" I'm not exactly sure of the response she was anticipating when asking the odd question. I look down at my phone and check the time, 9:24 a.m.

"We'll, I just mean, you two are always together doing god knows what, and I'm curious on what you two are interested in and gets you going hours on end hanging out." I look over at her and see the concern written all over her face. She thinks we're doing it? I shake my head in disbelief and shock. I even laugh a little.

"We're not, no. Mom, we're just friends and we just talk, okay? We watch movies, we go explore new places. A guy and a girl can be friends so don't make it weird. Don't, you know, make it a thing just because we'll live together for a year." I look down at my phone again, 9:28 a.m. I roll my eyes and tell them towards the stairs. "Edith, hurry up. It's a Sunday so stores will be closed early. Do you want to go shopping or not?"

"I'm going." She says running down the stairs.

"So what's the plan for today?" My mom asks as Edith puts on her shoes.

"Well, Edith has grown out of most of my kids clothes so we're going shopping. I'm helping her pick out some things as well as getting myself some new outfits before school next week." I respond and open the front door. Edith starts walking out and I grab the car keys.

This was our first one on one hangout since moving in, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to catching up and picking up from where we had left off. Although the past 3 months allowed me to go job hunting and meet a few people in the area, it didn't feel right without Edith around.

Moving to California have me a fresh start, the chance to make a new first impression as Luca. And I didn't want to waste that, so I really put myself out there, I forced myself into social situations.

"But she hasn't eaten breakfast." My mother says and stop and I look back at her before closing the door.

"I'll make sure to get her something to eat, promise."

At OddsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora