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"They are total outcasts. The geeks of the school. There's no way we're sitting by them, we can't ruin our image." Liz says, pulling me away from Luca's table.

"What are you talking about?" I ask watching the table move further and further.

"We want to get asked out by the jocks, and being associated with them isn't going to help make that happen. Jocks are good looking, buff. And you, you Edith are hot. You can easily get anyone you want. And if you are interested in playing for the same team, which of course I wouldn't know because you don't talk much about the people you like. You want to get asked out by a cheerleader. Cheerleaders are hot, beautiful. Who do you find attractive? What's your taste in guys... or girls?" I take a seat across from her in the booth.

"Find attractive?" I ask still not sure on her question.

"Who do you want to fuck?!" She says in a loud voice that makes people around us quiet down. She lets out a groan and moves to the seat next to me. "We have to work on this social skills issue of yours, lucky for you, you have me as your best friend now and I have all the more emotions to spare. Anyways, I'm any other classes, does anyone interest you?"

"I don't know. How do you know when you like someone?"

"We'll, glad you ask, that's the first step. Example, I swing both ways." She says with a proud smile.

"Meaning?" I ask and she rolls her eyes wiping the smile off her face.

"Meaning, I like boys and girls. And I'm some occasions everyone in between."

"Like? Like how?"

"Well, I think about the person. I think they are good looking. I think about them a lot. And I could see myself kissing them and... and other stuff." She says dragging out that last comment. "So is there anyone like that for you?"

I look over at Luca's table. Scotty and Todd seem to be laughing and facing him. I think about what Liz said. I think about Luca a lot. But I also think about Liz. I'm not sure I would do much kissing with either. I think about Lucinda, and Harper, and even sometimes Scotty and Todd.

Other stuff.

I don't know exactly what she means by that. I also don't think I should ask, sounds personal.

Do I like someone?

Do I like someone?

Do I like someone?

Do I like someone?

Do I like...

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