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"Homecoming!" Liz yells jumping onto the bed taking a seat next to me.

"Homecoming?" I say without looking away from the spot on the ceiling my eyes have been locked on. She adjusts herself to lay beside me and we both stare at the ceiling.

"Yes, we need a plan of action. Given that it's our last year and all. We still have a month. Four weeks. And who knows, we might even get asked out." I can't see her, but I know she's smiling, it's like you can hear it in her voice.

"Why do you care so much?" I never understood the idea of dressing up and moving to music at a school's gymnasium. At least that's how it was at our last high school.

"Why don't you?" I don't answer her question. In reality I've never been to homecoming. Neither has Luca, we never go.

We've always been the outcasts. All throughout middle school, and at our last high school. The ones never getting invited or asked out. We're each other's best friends, and for the longest time, each other's only friends. Everyone went to the dance, we stayed in watching movies.

"Anyways, It's not entirely about the dance. It's the process, the outfits, the getting asked out. And the first impressions." She rolls over on her stomach to look at me. "Sure the first week of school had its first impressions, but homecoming is where it really counts. It's also like a practice for prom, but prom is like an eternity away." She hops off the bed and heads straight to the closet. I sit up and watch as she looks through my clothes.

Luca was out with Scotty and Todd, and Harper was working, so I felt it was safe enough to invite her over for a while without her finding out I live with them. "Is this all you have? No offense but you dress like a dude. But in a cool, streetwear kind of way."

"I grew out most of my clothes, so they went to donation. Luca helped me shop for a few outfits." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"You can't have Luca dictate your whole life. You have to make choices for yourself, buy clothes you like."

"I like the clothes Luca chooses." I say and she sighs.

"Aren't you interested in, I don't know, more feminine outfits? Not that you have to. I just think that it would be nice trying something new. Break away a little from the mysterious quiet girl thing you have going on."

"What do you have in mind?" The question brings a mischievous look to her face. A grin that Luca would describe as trouble.

I regret asking the question.

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