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5 years later

"I'm going out." I say taking an apple from the fruit basket and tossing my sweater over my shoulder.

"Out with Grace, again?" Lucinda yells from the living room.

"Luca, I'm going out with Luca." I yell back.

"Alright, don't be out too late." I hear her say right before the door shuts behind me. Just as I exit the house, so does Luca. He looks over at me and smiles. I force a smile back, but by his laugh it doesn't seem as if I'm getting any better at it.

Growing up isolated from the world and surrounded by scientists, it didn't help with developing social skills or moral values. And learning emotions or how to express them when knowing only fear and anger your whole life isn't exactly easy.

"You'll get better at it." He says as I get into the car. "You just need to go out more, be around people, and social events and all."

"Because you're an expert?" I also have a bad habit of saying everything that comes to mind, or as Luca puts it "non-filtered."

"Ouch." He smiles with a hand to his chest as if I have physically wounded him. He's always doing that. Smiling, it's so natural to him. He speaks with a smile, even with the negative emotions. He's always slightly smiling. At least around me. As for my rude comments, luckily for me, he gets it. He gets me. So he understands.


"Don't sweat it." He starts the car and rolls the windows down. "Where to?" He turns to me and waits for an answer.

"Anywhere." He turns facing the road now and pulls out from the curb. His lips form a subtle smile, one where his lips are little parted, revealing his teeth. I like these smiles. These are my favorites. They're the most genuine. It's his way of letting me know he truly enjoys putting up with me. They remind me of what it means to have Luca as a best friend.

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