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I haven't slept through a single night this entire week. And for good reason. I woke up earlier this time. Maybe out of concern, stress, all of the above. Ever since she's moved in, all I've been is worried.

I checked the garage first, no sign of my mother's car. She's been working long shifts at the hospital. Being a surgeon and all, it's common for her to work hours on end, 48 hour shifts at once to be exact.

Light souls can only do so much with their healing abilities, so there's always been a need for people to do the harder stuff.

I go up to her room and push the door open slightly.


I start walking away, halfway down the stairs, and the noises start. I turn back towards the door and it shuts. I run towards it and turn the knob but it doesn't budge. I start pushing with all my body.

I finally take a step back and slam into the door causing it to swing open. My eyes take a moment to adjust to the dark.

She's floating, floating 3 feet above her bed. Objects around the room start to float as well. I get up on the bed and place my hands on her shoulders.

"Edith?" I put a hand on her shoulder and shake gently. I notice her eyes are wide open, they're also pitch black. "Edith, wake up." I start trying to push her down back onto the bed. She doesn't move.

I wrap my hands around her and pull her down as hard as I can. I manage to slowly lower her onto my lap and the floating objects start rattling. I place my hand on her forehead and flinch at the burning sensation.

We stay like this for a while. Then suddenly everything falls around us. Books, a lamp, pillows, and clothes. I move over her holding her close to prevent anything from hitting her directly. Everything is silent only for a second, a second before she comes to with a gasp.

She shoots up sitting straight and looks around trying to catch her breath, as if to have ran miles on end. I get a glimpse of her face, fear.


She looks up at me and once her eyes meet mine, her breathing slows. The fear is drained from her face. And for a moment, she seems...normal. Like an actual person, someone who didn't go through what she did. Someone who doesn't struggle with expressing their feelings. Someone who could potentially smile.

Her eyes also return to normal.

"You're doing it again." I get off the bed and start picking up some things. This lamp is broken, like the last one. And the one before that.

"I know." She says with an exhausted sigh. I place the items on the desk chair and look at the pictures on the wall above the desk.

"Is it as bad as last time? Are you..."

I turn back to her and turn away just as quickly. She removes her shirt and tosses it aside.


"Sorry." She says knowing where I was going with it. She's been so used to being undressed in front of people at a young age in the lab, or as she calls it; the Home. I guess old habits die hard. "No, it's not like last time."

The nightmares started soon after hearing the news of John. At least, that's Lucinda told my mother. It isn't the first time she's had nightmares this bad. The first year, I didn't know how bad they were until she decided to sleepover for the first time.

She was in pain. She was miserable. And I couldn't do much. I couldn't help. I just watched, and cried, like a coward. I couldn't do nothing then. I felt so useless. So helpless.

I can't let that happen this time.

I've grown up. I've matured. I can be there for her now. I can try and protect her as best as I can. I can be there for her.

"I'll stay." I say and take a seat on the bed but avoid looking over at her, unsure if she'd covered up or not. "I'll stay until you fall asleep." I feel her move on the bed, and then there's a sigh. She doesn't protest or say anything. So I stay.

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