
1 0 0

5 years earlier

I wake up gasping and crying. I look around frantically for anyone, anything.

I'm scared. So scared.

I see him, in the dark, in the corner. The scratch on his face slowly starts healing. He's crying. He's scared too. I scared him.

"I'm sorry." I can hear the shakiness in my own voice. I get off the bed and run towards the bathroom. I lock myself inside. Images flash through my head as the nightmare comes back to me.

The Home.


The men.

The injections.

The pain.

I fall to the floor and bring myself together. Making myself smaller and smaller. Bringing my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Please, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop. Please."

Everything is a blur. I can't see clearly. I can't think. There's nothing but pain.





Then there's blood. Lot's of blood. That thick, disgusting, dark blood. My arms are weak. I'm cold. So cold.

I'm in someone's arms. Someone warm.

There's a faint screaming, one that slowly becomes clear.

"Mom! Please, mom, help!"


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