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It's official, we're official. Emely and me. She's my girlfriend. And I'm her boyfriend. Senior year has treated me good so far. Life couldn't be better.

Except Edith's constant time out. I even resorted to asking Liz about that, but she said they haven't been hanging out as much now that she's dating Max.

It's been happening since homecoming, where she goes out for most of the day. It's now October. And Edith is actually home today.

Or at least she got home early.

"Hey." I say as she walks in through the back door. She's wearing sweats and a tank top, both dirty. And sneakers.

"Hey." She replies not looking at me. She opens the fridge and grabs a water bottle. She turns to leave but I stand in her way.

"What's wrong? Why are you ignoring me?" I say and she looks away, but doesn't try walking away.

"I'm not." She says. I move my face to meet her eyes and force her to look at me. "I'm not." She repeats now looking me in the eyes.

"Okay." My eyes try searching her face for this new change. For a hint of what she's hiding from me, or where she goes.

"Okay." She whispers. I clear my throat and move aside to let her through.

"We should plan a thing." I say as she makes her way up the stairs to her room. She stops and looks over at me. "A hangout, for our friends. We never hangout anymore. And Halloween is coming up soon. And I was thinking we could do a horror movie night or something. Here. You can invite Liz and Max, I'll invite Emely, Scotty and Todd."

"Yeah, okay." She says and walks up the rest of the stairs.

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