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I head back home after dropping Emely off at her house. I come back home to no one, moms at work and all I got from Edith's whereabouts was a text from her saying;

Out shopping with Liz

So, I wait in the living room checking my phone every few minutes. It's only been an hour and I'm already eager to hear from Emely. I'd told Edith I was out with Scotty and Todd, but I was actually out on a date. A real date. One that ends with a kiss goodbye. I'd only met Emely a week before Edith's move in, but she quickly became my favorite thing about California.

I really want things to go well between us. I really want her to like me the way I like her. How could I not like her? She's sweet, the kind to be great with kids. And her eyes are the lightest blue. Blue like the sky. The type of blue you see in candy. I can't help but smile just by looking at them.

She's that type of person. The type to make you crave her attention. That if you can just catch her gaze for a second, you automatically feel like the coolest person in the room. Second coolest, if she's in the room. Liking her is so easy. Like how crushes develop in kindergarten. She makes me want to share my lunch, and even take turns on the swing set.

It's stupid, I know. Embarrassing even. I really like her.

"What are you doing here?" Liz says carrying some shopping bags that make noise as she moves. Edith follows behind with just as many in her hands.

"How did you go shopping?"

"Sure, ignore me, why don't ya." She says and heads up the stairs with the bags.

"We took the bus." Edith responds and follows behind Liz.

I'm left alone, again, in the living room. I hear muffled excitement from Liz coming from upstairs, but I can't make out any words. I sit there scrolling through my messages and refresh every few seconds making sure I hadn't missed any texts from Emely.

I'm pathetic. With her, I'm simply pathetic.

I hear the quick footsteps coming down the stairs but don't bother looking up from my phone.

"Hello? Earth to dorkus? What do you think?" I roll my eyes and look up to glare at Liz, but my eyes are quickly drawn to Edith.

She's wearing a long skirt with a side slit that exposed her leg, and a tighter shirt. My eyes couldn't stop themselves from trailing up and down her body. Taking every inch into mind, as if to try and memorize her in this moment. She wasn't dressed in her usual clothes; these were more revealing. Revealing her skin, and small curves. It's new.

"Hello? So, you like it or what?" Liz says bringing me out from my own head. I clear my throat trying to get rid of the thick sensation that had formed in it and preventing me from spitting out any words.

"Um, yeah, she looks, she looks great." I say and force my eyes away.

"Are you sure?" I hear Edith's soft voice ask and it makes it harder not to look back at her.

"Yes." I say a little too eagerly and feel my face get hot.

"Of course, he's sure Edith. You look hot, now let's go try on the rest." I hear as they walk up the stairs and let out a breath, I didn't even know I was holding in.


I look down at my phone and see her name.


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