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"So is that a yes?" I lean over the counter and she smiles. "Come on, it'll be fun. I want you to meet my friends. I want my friends to meet you."

"Scotty and Todd already know me." She says and I drop my head and let it hang. "Oh, right. You want me to meet her." She says her as if her name was forbidden to be spoken. I stand straight and open my mouth to speak. Then the door opens. Customers.

Except it isn't just customers, it's two idiots with nothing better to do than stalk me at work.

"Luca!" Todd yells entering the restaurant.

"And the lovely Emely." Scotty stays bowing like a butler.

"Get a social life you two." I roll my eyes.

"Come on Luca, that's no way to treat the customers." Scotty says taking a seat in the booth by the window. It's become their unofficial hangout spot.

"Depends, are you guys actually buying anything this time?"

"Yes, actually. Water please." Todd says with a huge grin on his face.

"Unbelievable." I shake my head. Emely gets the waters for them and the. Leans against the counter next to me.

"Are you guys going to Luca's place for Halloween?" Emely asks looking at Scotty and Todd.

"Halloween horror movie night? Duh." Scotty replies.

"And, this Edith girl, you guys know her?" She asks and I am more alert than ever.

"Luca's Edith? Yeah of course." Scotty answers.

"Yeah, I know Edith." Todd says with a smirk on his face that annoys the hell out of me.

"Should I be worried?" She asks the guys. Worried?

"Yeah no, a weird girl for sure, but she's cool." Scotty says.

"Clueless but cool." Todd adds. Emely just nods, but that wasn't what she meant.

"Fine, I'll go." She leans in and gives me a kiss before heading behind the counter. 

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