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"It'll be fun." Luca says while stuffing his clothes into the suitcase. "Like a new adventure, a new start. We get to be whoever we want to be."

"You know it would be easier if you just fold the clothes." I say while watching him struggle to zip the suitcase close.

"Right," He says and completely ignores my suggestion. I fall back on the bed and stare at the stars on his ceiling.

"Why can't I go with you now?" I ask and I finally hear the zipper close all the way. He lets out an exhausted sigh.

"Because, my mom already got the job, so we need to go in order for her to start working." He hops onto the bed and gestures for me to scoot over. I do and we both lay there now staring up at the ceiling.

"Why can't you stay?"

"I need to help my mom with the new house. Besides, I can't just leave her." He responds and we lay there in silence. It was so easy to be so dependent of him. To rely on Luca for everything. Lucinda says I should try and be more independent. Harper agrees. Of course, she would. I guess they're right. But that doesn't make it easy. "It's only for 3 months." Luca breaks the silence. He wasn't just saying it to me. I can tell he's saying it to himself as well, trying to reassure himself, that everything is going to be fine.


3 months.

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