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Zelda groggily sat up on the bed, lifting a hand to her temple. It buzzed from a small ache. She looked around, finding herself back in the room. Link was nowhere in sight. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get the image of Link standing almost naked out of her head. She blushed just thinking about it.

    Knowing it wouldn't work, Zelda tried the door for an escape just in case. She took a seat by the window again, tears rolling down her cheeks. She heard the door open, and quickly dried her face. Zelda turned to see Poe walking in, anger in his step.

    Zelda stopped thinking of him as "Mr. Poe." It was royal custom to put Mr. or Mrs. infront of a friendly acquaintance's name. Poe was the clear enemy now.

    Poe came within a few steps of Zelda, half-smiling down at her. "Can you show me your alphabet?" He threw a piece of paper and an orange pencil down on the table.

    Zelda stubbornly crossed her arms and turned away. "You won't get anything out of me until Link is by my side. For good." His naked image flashed in her mind.
    Poe huffed, and left the room, slamming the door.

    A minute later, the door handle twisted loudly, starling Zelda. She looked over at the door, expecting Poe to come storming in without Link, but the handle just wiggled around, not giving way.

    The handle went still. After a moment, something fizzed, and the door opened. Zelda gasped.

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