Poe Jenkins, a few minutes ago

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Poe watched as his experiments climbed up the building, only seen by the glowing platforms the princess created in the darkness. He scowled as he turned away, storming out of the room. He knew they wouldn't leave without their things. He couldn't loose those as well. They were the strangest things and people he pulled into this world. He needed to know why they were different from the other Links and companions. He needed answers.

Poe practically ran through the halls. He had to get to the research wing before them, but he needed a weapon first. Passing through the experiment hall, he found a girl sitting in the middle of one of the cubes. She was the mind-controller, though she couldn't control him because of a chip installed in the cluster of nerves in the back of his neck. The girl had the chip in her hand when she was pulled into this world. Peo had the chip coppied and installed into anyone working near the girl.

Shoving the door open, Poe snatched the remote off the desk beside her cube. He grabbed her arm and forced her up, shooting a small shock through her body with the remote. He couldn't shock her too hard or her cyborg brain would force her to shut down. Poe dragged her through the building, her metal foot clanking on the hard ground. She tried to pull away, but he held on tight.

"Don't even try, toots," he snarled.

Poe took a shortcut to the research wing. He shoved through the secondary door to the medieval room, positioning himself and the girl between the main door and the table with the swords.

Only a few seconds later, his experiments burst through the door. He smiled.

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