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Link gasped as the Sheikah Slate was ripped from his hands. He looked up and was met with a devil's smile, snake's eyes, and white hair.

    "Miss me?" Poe Jenkins flaunted. His smile was darker than the sky missing the sun.

    Link's hands balled into fists. How was he still alive? He was killed with the Yiga by Teba's bomb arrows. He at least should be severely wounded, but he was unscathed.

    "My crew pulled me back just as your little fireworks show started," Jenkins explained. He laughed, holding up the Slate. "With such advanced technology, you really don't have good weapons." He gave a signal with his other hand. The crowd was immediately surounded by people in black uniforms. They had helmets that covered their face and pointed larger versions of the weapons the people in blue uniforms had. Another signal from Jenkins, and each weapon clicked. "You should really get some of these."

    "Stop it, Poe," Zelda commanded. She stepped beside Link, and only he could tell how her fists were shaking. "You're outnumbered. Just stop, and let us leave."

    "And lose all of my experiments?" Jenkins laughed, then his tone became serious and malicious. "Like that would ever happen."

    "Okay, enough of this," a girl from the crowd said. She made her way to the front, and Link recognized her from the day they thought they had escaped Jenkins. The girl's face hardened.

    Just then, every weapon turned to aim at Jenkins.

    "Ah, the mind controller," he sighed, not at all fazed by the danger he was in. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a smooth black object.

    "I don't like doing this," the girl pleaded. "Let us go."

    "You may not like control," Jenkins muttered, "but I do." He lifted a finger to tap something on the object, but before he could, it fell out of his hand and shattered. Jenkins sneered at the man who shot the object.

    Then, in the blink of an eye, the man was on the ground. A woman hovered over his dead body, blood tinting her lips. Her eyes were red. "That felt so good."

    Jenkins scowled. He reached into his pocket again and, this time, held his weapon. He pointed it at the woman and fired, but the woman only blinked, even as the arrowhead hit her right between the eyes and bounced off, harmless.

    "Just give up," Zelda said as Link took hold of the Master Sword.

    Jenkins snapped his head back to look at them. He cursed under his breath, scanning the crowd before him.

    Link took this small window to leap at him, plunging his sword deep into Jenkins's chest. Jenkins fell to the ground, gasping. The Sheikah Slate fell from his grip and Zelda scooped it up. Before Link could even remove the sword from Jenkins's body, multiple BOOMS rocked the earth, sending the building to flames, casting eerie shadows across the dark island.

    Jenkins watched his work burn, just as he would in a minute. Link let him live for a few more seconds, then swung the Sword that Seals the Darkness down, hard, on his neck. There was a nasty squelch, and Poe Jenkins was dead. For good.

    Link took the Slate from Zelda, pulling his cloak from it and laying it down over Jenkins's decapitated body. Blood soaked the fabric, but at least no one would ever look upon his evil face again.

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