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Link sat by the cooking pot, swatting Terrako away. He was trying to cook two prime meat and rice bowls, but the process was made slow thanks to that annoying machine, who kept taking the ingredients and running away with them.

    Link threw the ingredients as fast a he could into the pot before Terrako could steal any more. His mouth watered at the sight of food. He hadn't had anything to eat for three days.

    Once the dish was ready, he scooped it up into two bowls and put out the fire. He carried the bowls across the square, trying not to trip over Terrako running between his legs.

    As Link entered the inn, he saw Zelda handing the owner 40 rupees. She turned and smiled at him. Link offered a bowl.

    Zelda took the dish from him. "Where will we eat?" she asked.

    Link beamed under the mask, gently pulling Zelda through the maze of Gerudo Town. He took her hand as they climbed up a few crates, then settled on top of a long wall. Link lifted his chin in a mocking way at Terrako, who couldn't make it up.

    "This is amazing," Zelda sighed, staring out at the desert. Under the moonlight, the air was cool, the dunes softly being swept away by the midnight wind. There were no monsters in sight, and the muffled voices and laughter of the town made a nice touch. Zelda looked up to the star-filled sky, beaming. "It's beautiful." She looked at Link. "I never once said thank you. For everything."

    Link lifted his hand to take her's, but ended up grabbing the fork, strangling it in his nervous grip. He shoved a bite of meat into his mouth, working it under the mask.

    "Can't you take that off?" Zelda asked in a hushed voice. Her cheeks were red.

    Link shook his head. "They'll throw me out." His eyes started to fall, but he quickly returned his gaze to his food before he could even think about leaning closer.

    They sat there in peaceful silence, only seen by the glittering stars above and each other.

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