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Zelda was greatful for the new cloths, but nothing eased her worries. Riju didn't seem to notice her tense posture or her fake smiles. She didn't notice how Zelda didn't melt into the massage or her unease at the sand-seal rally. Zelda used that little bit of time to leave Riju's side, taking Terrako back into the town.

    Zelda hurried up the steps into the chieftain's throne room, then up to her bed chambers.

    Once in Riju's room, Zelda scrambled around for paper, a quill, and ink. She hurriedly wrote a letter to the one person who would go after Link with her. Zelda rolled up the paper and tied it with twine.

    She turned to Terrako, handing him the letter. "Take this to Prince Sidon of the Zora. And hurry!"

    Terrako took the letter, setting it in the gap between the wires and outer shell. He whooped once before dissapearing in streaks of blue light.

    Zelda fell back on her heels, relief flooding her that help was on its way. She didn't sit there for long before a Gerudo warrior came running in.

    "I found her!" she called down to the town. Then to Zelda alone, "We were worried the Yiga took you, too."

    Riju came running in next, letting out a heavy breath. "Thank you," she said to the woman. She ran over to Zelda, pulling her off the ground and down the steps. "Let's teach you sand-seal surfing!"

    Zelda willingly went with her, truly excited for once, but because she would meet an old friend soon that would aid in her escape.

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