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A sharp pain erupted in Link's side, followed by the awful laughter of the Yiga. Something hit his shoulders hard. A fist collided with his nose.

    Link's eyes shot open just in time to see a foot come down on his leg. A crack sounded and a pain like fire shot up his broken limb. Link gasped and clutched at the dirt beneath him, sweat beading down his neck and face. His scalp burned as he was lifted up by his hair, a few strands sticking to his lip.

    "Defeated in your own world," Jenkins laughed. He shoved Link's head by his hair, turning to a huge crowd of Yiga. "All you needed was me, and that urchin was taken down!" The Yiga cheered his name.

    Link's whole body burned in the most painful way. All he wanted to do was use the Champions' powers to heal himself and kill everyone in this amphitheater, but that wouldn't be smart. His leg wouldn't be healed enough for him to run before he was killed, but he started to use Mipha's Grace to fix it anyway.

    Link reached to his side for the Sheikah Slate, but found only bloody fabric. He looked in shock at his empty belt, then finding his wrists chained to the ground along with his ankles. That's also when he felt no weight on his back, weaponless.

    "What shall we do first?" Jenkins snickered, turning back to Link.

    "Break every bone in his body," replied a voice deeper than Jenkins, dripping with anger. The big Yiga from before came into Link's view. "Hurt him the way he hurt Master Kohga."

    "Sounds fun, Master Sooga," Jenkins agreed.

    The Yiga - Sooga - unsheathed the two huge blades at his sides. Jenkins took something from inside his pocket. When he flicked his wrist, it became a long black stick. The two loomed closer.

    Sooga posed to strike, but his sword hit the force-field Link put up. It shattered, and another one did not take its place. Jenkins, seeing Link was no longer protected, shoved the stick into Link's side. Pure electricity burned, shocked, melted his flesh. Link wished he hadn't used Mipha's Grace so soon as a guttural scream erupted from his mouth. This was a hundred times worse than that little chip. Then Sooga's blade slashed his arm, cutting deep. The crowd cheered.

    Sooga's sword came down again, and Link held up his hands to protect his face. Sharp pain lanced his left finger, and he dared not look at it or the severed limb on the ground.

    Then a huge BOOM broke the crowd's cheers and Link's cries. Fire erupted to the left. Three more BOOMs and explosions filled the amphitheater. Jenkins and Sooga turned to gape at the chaos.

    Terrako plopped down infront of Link just as the two evil men were lifted into the air, flailing their arms and legs. Link looked up to see Teba giving him a thumbs up. Terrako shot the chains keeping Link tied to the ground, and soon enough, Link was hopping through the amphitheater in search of the Sheikah Slate and Master Sword. His side burned - an understatement - and his leg was weak.

    Terrako whooped and whistled as he scurried through the chaos, turning back and facing Link. Link realized Terrako was leading him to wherever his things were, and followed him, ducking at the explosions.

    The little machine took Link to the side of a steep mountain, yanking on a metal gate. Link shoved the gate to the side, then stumbled down a flight of stairs, using the wall for support. Why couldn't he support himself with his own two feet? His leg should be fully healed. His thumb stung where the dirt made its way into the open wound.

    The hallway opened up to a decent sized room full of cages. Luckally, they were all empty. To the right was all of Link's things thrown half-hazerdly in a pile. He grabbed only the Sword and Slate before a loud BOOM shook the cavern, sending bits of dust and dirt falling. Link and Terrako moved as fast as they could. As soon as they were out, the entrance collapsed as another bomb arrow exploded.

    "Time to go!" Teba said. He kicked Terrako onto his back, then picked Link up with his feet, grabbing onto the straps of the shoulder blades on the Sheikah armor. When they were high enough, Teba shot volley after volley of arrows, covering the entire amphitheater in flames and earthquakes. Nobody could survive that. He looked down to Link as he flew south. "You are really messed up."

    Link pulled the scarf from his neck and tied it around his stump of a thumb. "Yeah," he groaned.

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