Riju, right after Link left

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Riju stared at the retreating dot that was Link. She was a little angry at him for leaving like that, and furious at the Yiga Clan. They ruin everything.

    Riju huffed and turned to Zelda. Link said to keep her distracted, and now she saw why. The princess was gasping for air, blinking fast. Tears welled in her eyes. Separation anxiety, she concluded.

    "Come on, Zelda," Riju said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to Patricia, the best sand-seal ever to live. "We can have a girl's day while we wait."

    "But Link. . ." Zelda trailed off.

    "He'll be fine!" Riju waved her fear off. "Let's go shoping!"

    She placed the surfing disk down on the sand and took the reins. Making sure Zelda was on with her, Riju signaled for Patricia to take off, and they were racing across the desert.

    Once they reached the town, Riju put Patricia in her pen. She guided Zelda to Fassion Passion, the clothing store. She would really need new fabrics - her white dress was torn and muddy in so many places in was crazy! Riju shoved a bunch of cloths in Zelda's arm, then ushered her to the changing rooms. She made the princess try on everything until they found the perfect color - the signature blue of the royal family, of course. The top and pants fit perfectly on her body. Satisfied, Riju took her to the spa.

    The girls were massaged and pampered until they were fresh and good as new. It was so relaxing, Riju almost fell asleep, and she caught Zelda dozing off, too.

    Next was Starlight Memories, the jewelry store. Riju drooled over some of the fancy stones, gushing about them to Zelda. Even the tiny guardian- Terrako? - happily whistled and played with the sparkly jewels. At the end of the visit, they had found the perfect hair pins to match Zelda's outfit. Riju pulled her  golden hair up into the signature Gerudo style, placing the pins in.

    After that, Riju wanted to talk about boys and gossip, but that would only bring the fear back to Zelda, so instead, Riju set up a last minute sand-seal rally. A few vai joined the race, and Riju and Zelda watched in delight. Only once did Buliara want to pull her aside and talk, but Riju refused.

    After the winner was announced, Riju turned to smile at Zelda, but she wasn't there. She turned in a full circle, searching for the princess, but she was no where in sight.

    Frantic and desperate, Riju turned to Buliara, who raised her eyebrows like she already knew Zelda was missing. Riju huffed and ordered, "Find her."

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