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The three of them landed at the Daqo Chisay Shrine, right outside Gerudo town. Jenkins's face lay in the sand while his feet rested on the travel gate. Terrako came next, whooping at Link again for forgetting him. Link held him away with his foot.

    "How will the Gerudo let Poe in?" Zelda wondered out loud. "Will they let you in?" She looked into Link's eyes. Her's were watery.

    Link held up a finger as he jogged  into the shrine, then decended on the platform. Terrako followed him to the edge, still whooping and whistling. Link changed as quickly as possible, heat cralling up his spine at the secret he was about to share. Link stepped back on the platform and was lifted up.

    Zelda's confused face met him. It quickly changed to shock, then anger. "You were there all along, weren't you?"

    Link recoiled from her anger. "How else was I supposed to guard you? Then save you?"

    He watched her expression change to understanding. A hint of red colored her cheeks.

    "You don't look bad as a girl," she admitted. Terrako gave a low, long whistle.

    Link pressed his lips to a thin line, blushing behind the mask. His eyes fell to Jenkins. Sighing, Link heaved Jenkins's limp body into his arms, trudging through the sand to the entrance.

    The guards at the front entrance looked at Link and Jenkins with confused faced. Their gazes moved to Zelda and they snapped into a bow.

    "It is an honor to make your acquaintance," one of the guards said.

    Zelda looked to Link. He nodded to the guards, signaling she had to be the one to explain.

    Zelda cleared her throaght and the guards snapped to attention. "This man is a danger to our world and all the other realms out there. We managed to capture him, and are hoping that you will take him into custody. We must speak with your chieftain to discuss further motivations."

    Link beamed under the mask. He couldn't have said it better himself.

    "Of course, Your Highness," the guard replied. "Leave him with us. No voe are allowed inside."

    "Thank you," Zelda said the same time Link dropped Jenkins into the sand.

    Zelda brushed passed the guards, Link following her into the village. He felt the urge to hide behind corners and secretly follow her, but now she knew. Link didn't have to hide. His chest warmed and not from the heat.

    As they walked through the colorful square, the women around them bowed to the princess, squealing in delight. Most ignored Link, or just gave him a passing glance. This didn't bother him. Actually, it made him happy that Zelda was here, surrounded by the Gerudo. Terrako tried to gain attention, but only received a few laughs.

    Link watched Zelda take in the town around her. Nothing had changed, he knew, but it was all different. Zelda no longer came here to escape Link or the pressure of her duties. The vibrant tiles and fabrics were a home instead of a refuge. The water lining the paths glistened with hope instead of fear.

    The woman fell behind as Link and Zelda ascended the steps to Riju's throne room. He lifted his arm to take Zelda's hand in his, but hesitated. That would be a rude action between a knight and his princess. And what if she didn't feel the same way? Link dropped his hand and silently followed behind Zelda.

    Terrako sounded a single whoop, like he was happy at the war in Link's head, and put himself between him and Zelda. Link sighed through his nose and didn't say a thing.

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