chapter 57: weisz's long awaited meeting

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chapter 57: weisz's long awaited meeting


       My parents were finally able to book a meeting with the teacher in charge of the school trip to talk about my condition and whether or not I'll be accommodated. I try convincing them to let Reno come along to the meeting since Reno is very good at persuading, but they said it's just going to be a family meeting.

       If I'm somehow not able to be accommodated, I'll just tell Reno and he'll deal with it. 

       I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous for the meeting. I'm extremely nervous. This is the last step I have to take to be able to go on the school trip. All I want is to hear a yes so I don't have to worry about this any longer.

       "Wanna hide somewhere during the meeting and burst out if it starts going south?" I ask Reno as the two of us make our way to the front of the school where I'm supposed to meet my parents.

       "I want to say yes, but I don't think your parents will appreciate that when they already said I can't be at the meeting," Reno says. "Don't worry too much about it. I don't see why they won't be able to accommodate you on the trip. I mean, all they'll have to do is make sure the plane ride goes smoothly for you and to keep an eye out on your health. If that's too much for them, then they shouldn't be taking a bunch of teenagers on the trip when more than one person is bound to have some sort of issue."

       I sigh. "I know you're right, but I still can't help but worry about it. I just want to be able to do what I want again and not be told I can't do stuff because of my leukaemia. I'm recovering well. My doctor said the trip should be fine. Saying no when my doctor is allowing is just... I don't know, heartbreaking, I guess. I already had to give up something big and I don't know if I'll ever be able to get back into it."

       "You will," Reno assures. "Like you said, you're recovering well. Sure enough, you'll reach a timeline where it's unlikely that the cancer will come back. And when it does, you can go back to doing whatever you want."

       I sure hope so.

        My parents are already waiting at the front of the school, thankfully. I want to get this meeting done and over with, so I don't think I would have been able to handle just sitting there, wondering when they're going to show up.

       We walk over to Mrs. Bassow's classroom for the meeting. Reno finds a place to sit as he waits for me, but not after wishing me luck.

       Mrs. Bassow smiles at us when we walk into the classroom. She gestures at the chairs we can sit on before saying, "Alright, let's start this meeting. From what I gather, you're concerned about sending Weisz on the school trip."

       Mom nods. "I'm sure you know that Weisz was diagnosed with leukaemia for the second time not too long ago. He is recovering well, but there's still a lot of things he was to do in order to stay healthy. We just need to make sure he'll be accommodated properly on the school trip."

       "I see," Mrs. Bassow says. "First off, did his doctor give him the okay to go?"

        "Yes, he did." Mom reaches into her purse and pulls out the information sheet about travelling overseas with leukaemia. She hands it to Mrs. Bassow. "This is just everything that Weisz has to be wary about."

       "As you can see, it's not a lot," Dad says. "But still, we would be uncomfortable sending him on the trip if he's not taking care of properly."

        Mrs. Bassow does a quick read through of the information sheet before she says, "Don't worry, none of this will be a problem. While we've never had to accommodate a student with cancer, there are other things students had that he had to accommodate them for, like anxiety, insomnia, autism. It would be unfair for us to discriminate against a student's disability or illness when there absolutely is a way to make the trip comfortable for them."

       I release a sigh of relief. There's probably more to talk about, but so far, it seems like I'll be able to go.

       "Okay, that's good," Mom says. "I am curious about the sleeping arrangements, however. How do they work?"

       "Well, in the past, we would assign them a roommate from someone in their homeroom," Mrs. Bassow says. "But we've found that this doesn't really help some students feel comfortable. They may not have any friends in the class and might not be comfortable sharing a room with someone they don't know well. A lot of students would sneak to their friend's room if it got too much for them. So, now, students get to pick their roommate. Following certain guidelines, of course."

       "Ah, that works," Dad says. "We know Weisz doesn't have any friends in his homeroom, and we would prefer him to bunk with someone that knows how to help keep track of his health."

       "Which is another reason why we're allowing students to pick their roommate," Mrs. Bassow says. "Some might have things they don't wish to disclose to just about anyone. We, as teachers, want to make sure all students are comfortable on the trip."

       I look at my parents. "Can I bunk with Reno?"

       "Absolutely not," Mom says.

       "Awe, why not?" I ask. "He's the best at taking care of me and monitoring my health. He was literally at our house every day when I was on chemo to take care of me."

       Dad looks at Mrs. Bassow. "What are the guidelines for choosing one's roommate?"

       "It's very straightforward," Mrs. Bassow says. "The students must be of the same sex, or same gender identity if they're not cisgender."

       "Reno and I both identify as men," I say. "So technically, that won't be breaking the rules."

       "We'll talk about this later," Mom says. I shrug. If anything, Reno will be able to convince them to let us share a room somehow. 

       "Do you have any other questions?" Mrs. Bassow asks.

       "No, that's everything," Mom says before she looks at me. "Weisz, as long as you give us daily updates, you can go on the trip."

        I smile and hug both of my parents. "Thank you!"

       Since the meeting has ended, my parents and I leave the classroom. Reno gets up and walks over as soon as he sees us. "So...?"

       I smile once again. "I can go."

       "Really?" Reno asks. I nod, so Reno smiles and hugs me. "That's great news."

       "It is," I say. "Now, I can start actually being excited for the trip."


yay for weisz!

in other news, i can't wait for it to be winter, or fall at the very least. i miss the cold :(

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