5 | The Alpha King's Fury

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It was foolish of me to think I'd get off scot-free. I should have seen it coming. Nonetheless, it didn't hurt any less.

"You really thought you'd escape this time, Sireena?" Mrs. Troth's voice was a harsh whisper, her eyes gleaming with a mix of irritation and sadistic pleasure.

"I didn't mean to-" I started, but she cut me off.

"Save your breath. Your excuses are as worthless as your efforts," she snapped. Mrs. Troth's voice was icy and unforgiving as she assigned my punishment. "You think you can get away with causing trouble, Sireena? Not under my watch. You'll be cleaning every inch of this place until it sparkles. And no breaks until it's done," she snapped, her tone harsh and unyielding.

"I understand, Mrs. Troth," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the fear gnawing at me.

"Good. Now get to work," she said, turning away without another glance.

A series of chores that felt like an endless marathon, coupled with words sharper than any blade. I bit my lip, determined not to show any sign of weakness, but the pain-both physical and emotional-was intense.

Scrubbing floors until my knuckles were raw, cleaning windows until my reflection disappeared in a haze of soap and water-it was a special kind of torture. So here I am, cleaning the aftermath of the banquet. Alone.

Mrs. Troth's words echoed in my mind, each one a lash that left a mark deeper than any physical wound. She knew where to hit, targeting the vulnerabilities I dared not expose. I remembered the scene vividly-Rosaline had tried to help, but Mrs. Troth intercepted her.

"Rosaline, leave her be. She has to learn the consequences of her actions," Mrs. Troth had said, her tone dripping with authority.

Rosaline had looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, Sireena," she whispered before reluctantly walking away.

The ache in my muscles mirrored the ache in my heart. The emotional onslaught was relentless, a barrage of criticism and scorn that threatened to break through the armor I had painstakingly built over the years. But I couldn't let her see the cracks. Weakness was a luxury I couldn't afford.

Hours passed like a slow-motion nightmare. Each completed task only led to another, an unending cycle of servitude. Yet, through the haze of exhaustion and pain, a spark of defiance flickered. This punishment, as harsh as it was, wouldn't break me. I had endured worse, and I would endure this. I must, if I want to see him again.

I was finally done, the sun peaking through as it rose for another day. My body screamed in protest with every movement, muscles aching from the endless tasks. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me, but the worst was over-or so I thought.

Trudging down the hall, my mind was occupied with my chores, when I almost collided with him-the Alpha King. His intense blue eyes, usually intense and unreadable, widened with outrage as they landed on the bruises that adorned my skin.

"What happened to you?" he demanded, his voice a mixture of concern and anger. His eyes, intense and unyielding.

I couldn't fathom why he felt such a powerful need to protect me. His presence was almost overwhelming, and I noticed a strange behavior in him, as if something within him was restless. It made me uneasy, but also strangely comforting.

I hesitated, unsure how to respond. My instinct was to downplay the severity of my injuries, but the urgency in his voice made me falter. His eyes bore into mine, filled with a mixture of worry and something deeper, something that made my heart race.

"It's nothing, Y-your Highness," I stammered, avoiding his gaze, desperately trying to downplay the severity of my injuries.

My deflection only seemed to fuel his anger. "Nothing? This is not nothing," he snapped, his frustration evident, his normally icy blue eyes now an intense silver. "Who did this to you?"

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