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Chapter Twelve

Sirena's POV

Yesterday has been a hectic day, finding out who my parents were, it's a lot to unload on anyone. I still can't wrap my head around it, and that's not all. Zander mentioned that my father was an Alpha of a pack, meaning he was a werewolf, a powerful one at that, which means I am also a werewolf.

One with Alpha blood coursing through her veins. I didn't know what to think. Zander has yet to mention it to me, but it's fine. He most likely didn't want to put too much pressure by unloading everything on me all at once.

I softly walked to the bathroom, not wanting to wake anyone. I made my way to the sink, wanting to freshen up before starting my day. Opening the tap, I gather the water in my palms, before splashing my face.

The cool water cascading down my face felt so good, waking me up completely. I repeated this a couple of times before reaching for a towel, gently dabbing at my face. I glanced at the mirror and what stared back at me shocked me.

I stared bewildered, I looked alive, not like the dead looking girl I was a couple of weeks ago. I then noticed other changes, as I softly ran my hand over my features. My lips were soft and lush, not dry and cracked, my skin clearer and soft, my cheeks slightly rosy and my chocolate brown eyes.

They were filled with life, glistening. No longer the dull, dead brown, that were always filled with sorrow, pain, and lack of life. I barely recognize the girl who stared back. I looked like a whole other person. I ran my hand through my hair, noticing the difference, it appeared much more glossy and healthy.

It's been so long since I've seen my hair so beautiful. I grabbed a hairbrush that lay conveniently on the sink, gently gliding it through my hair. I was shocked at how smoothly it went through and the softness of each strand.

I don't know how long I stood there staring, lost in my thoughts, but I was soon brought from my dazed mind. A knock reached my ears, bouncing off the walls. "Luna," came a voice. Making sure I looked decent, I made my way to the door, swinging it back, revealing an older man. He bowed slightly, "Luna," he replied, addressing me. "Yes," I replied, unsure on how to feel. I don't think I'll ever get used to the title or the bowing, it kinda made me uneasy. I tried not to show my nervousness. I smiled at the man before responding. "How can I help you, sir," I asked.

"Luna the Alpha requested your presence." Thank you, I responded. The guard - I'm assuming he's a guard, he looks like one - bowed slightly before leaving. Closing the door, a thought crossed my mind. He must have received more news about me, and hopefully he'll be able to confirm what I have been thinking.


10 minutes later

I found myself in front of Zander's office, but not before getting lost. I had to ask a pack member for directions, it was nerve wrecking, but I managed. Now here I am, hand raised, poised to knock, when Zander's voice reaches my ears. "You can come in, love, no need to knock."

So that's what I did, albeit hesitantly, as I didn't want to intrude. "Um, you called me," I asked tentatively. "Yes, come in," Zander was situated behind an oak desk, surrounded by piles and piles of papers. He looked so different, all serious and business-like. I made my way to a seat situated towards the corner.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I said. Zander quickly finished the work he was previously on before answering me. "It's about your parents and your identity." I stayed silent, not knowing what to say. Zander took that as an answer to continue.

"Remember when you asked me what a mate was," Zander asked. I nodded.

"Well, a mate is the one person made for you by the Moon Goddess. Each werewolf has a mate and you are mine." So I'm your mate, I replied, slightly shocked. Well, that explains the butterflies, the connection and the constant need to be near him.

"That's not all Sirena," Zander said. What, there's more, I thought. "Nora, your father was a werewolf and so are you." I stared at Zander, shocked. I don't think I could be any shocker - is that even a word? " What," I gasp. I was speechless, I always felt like I was different, that there was more to me but didn't know what or where to begin. It all makes sense now. "I'm a wolf," I replied. "That's not all," Zander said. "There's more," I asked, uneasy, not sure how much I can absorb all at once. "Yes," replied Zander before continuing. The boarding school is situated between both the Scarlet Moon pack and this pack.

The news was a shock. I seem to be shocked left and right today. "Wait, if the boarding was situated between both packs, do you think that the boarding school knew who my father was?" I asked.

"Honestly, I don't know, but we will find out. I was thinking of visiting the boarding school," said Zander. No, I don't want to go back there. I just left," I said, letting my thoughts be known. Zander came around to me, "I know you don't want to go back to that dreadful place, but we need to if we want to know more about you and your family," Zander said softly.

"I'm here for you every step of the way, and we'll take it slow, okay." I nodded. Zander placed a kiss on my cheeks. "Good," Zander replied. I knew Zander would be there for me. I don't doubt it for a second, but I couldn't help the feeling that something eerie was waiting. I didn't want to ruin the moment, so I kept it to myself. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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