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Chaptet 5 - A New Chapter

Sirena's POV

"Sirena love, we're here," the voice was accompanied by a gentle shake of the shoulder, as whoever it was tried to wake me up. My body just wasn't having it. It's been awhile since I had such a blissful sleep. Being treated like a maid at the boarding school. Living there was a nightmare. I had to sleep in an attic room. It was really crammed, scarcely any room to fit a full bed set. I just got a mattress - no back frame - with a thin sheet, a small dressing table.

"Sirena, I need you to wake up." Some gentle nudges later, I finally had the willpower to awaken. As I opened my eyes, I was met with stormy gray ones staring back at me. A small smile made its way to my lips. "Well, aren't you a sleeping beauty?"

I stretched, releasing all the tension in my limbs. It was then that I realized I was no longer in the car. Noticing my confusion, Zander replied, "We're at the pack house, love. You're in my room. You fell asleep during the car ride, hence the situation." I took in the information. I wonder where we are, must be far if I had fallen asleep. I looked at my environment, it sure looked like a male's room, but surprisingly clean.

"We have a lot of things to talk about," came Zander's voice, jolting me out of my thoughts. "Huh," I replied, not quite understanding. Well, I am assuming you have a lot of questions you want to ask, understandably so. So hit me." I smiled at his choice of words and decided to mess with him a little, so I did what he said literally. Yup, you guessed it. I hit him surprisingly hard, seeing I'm all skin and bone. I was expecting to break a finger or something. Instead, I was met with a grimace, unless he's faking.

"Damn, what was that for? That was quite hard," Zander grunted. I smirked at him and shrugged my shoulders. I guess he's not faking it. Oops! " You said to hit you, so I did. Although I didn't mean to hit you so hard." Zander scowled, I didn't mean literally. Goddess."

"I'm sorry," I apologized. He shook it off. "That's fine, love. I was just taken off guard, that's all." I searched him, "are you sure?" He smiled, "It's all good."

Right on cue, my stomach gave an almighty growl. I was so embarrassed. Zander burst out laughing. I was mortified.


"Ugh, I'm so full." After the embarrassment of my rumbling stomach, Zander made food for me, and he made a lot. My eyes were the size of saucers, I wasn't used to eating so much. I'll be lucky to get a crumb. Anyway, after that was done and entering a food coma, Zander and I lounged around doing nothing in particular.

You're full, you're barely at anything. In fairness, I ate a lot, but because I'm not used to eating much back at the boarding school, it felt like I ate a whole horse. I of course wasn't ready to tell him about it. Instead, I decided to tease him. "Maybe you're just fat." Zander had a look of bewilderment all over his face. It was hilarious, I couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Y-your f-face," I spluttered between laughter.

I can show you around the pack grounds and introduce you to a few people if that's okay with you." There's that word again. What does he mean by pack? I decided to ask, what harm will it do, right? "Um, what exactly do you mean by pack? I'm just kinda confused because you've mentioned it a couple of times along with other weird terms, what's the story with that?"

"Right, I completely forgot you don't know anything about me or who I am." I stared at his puzzle. What does he mean by 'don't know what he is'? "Huh," I replied. I was so confused.

Zander reached for my hands; I don't want to scare you, and I want you to know that I'll never hurt you in any way. You mean too much to me and any questions you have, I'll happily answer them. I nodded, trying my best to take in everything he said.

"Good," he responded. As you know, my name is Zander Blackwood and I own Blackwood Corp. What you don't know is that I'm a werewolf. Zander paused, gauging my reaction. I stared at him, seconds passed. It's weird really, it took my brain to properly process and register what he just said. Zander Blackwood, CEO of Blackwood Corp., is a werewolf. A werewolf. The word kept ringing in my head like an annoying mantra.

"What?" I spluttered at a loss for words. Maybe I heard wrong, or I'm dreaming or something. Werewolves aren't really what they can't be. A bubble of panic was making it through my body. Zander noticed my sudden change of demeanor. He slightly positioned himself; sitting crouched in front of me, hands softly stroking my skin as he stared at me. He spoke, his voice soft, "I need you to take a deep breath; in and out, in and out, that's it, nice and slow."

The gentle stroke on my hands and his gentle voice helped loads as I did as instructed, taking in slow breaths and out, repeating it as I felt the bubble of panic easing and fizzling to nothing.

Zander, looked at me, concern written all over his face. "Are you alright, love?" I returned a smile of reassurance, recomposing myself and keeping a level head. "We're going to take this one step at a time. That way I don't overwhelm you. We'll start with me being a werewolf, if you have any questions, feel free to interrupt."

I nodded again, unable to speak just yet. "Okay, as I said before, I'm a werewolf, and so is everyone in my life. As you know, wolves stay in packs, and my pack is called The Blood Moon Pack.and I'm the Alpha."

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