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Chapter Thirty Five – Luna

Today's the day I'll officially be announced as Luna. It's been a rollercoaster these past few weeks.

The realization of it all sunk in as a sudden wave of imposter syndrome washed through me. I suddenly felt like I didn't deserve all of this. What if I'm unable to run a pack by his side, care for the pack like Luna should.

What if I'm unable to learn the proper etiquette or the pack law? What if I'm unable to give him the children he wants. There are so many things that could go wrong. so many what if, I was reeling. The voices in my mind become louder, drowning me in self-doubt.

Knock... Knock

The sound of knocking startled me out of my thoughts. "Sirena, is everything alright." It was Zander, not wanting him to see me in this state, I stayed quiet, not answering. Waited with bated breath, as silence filled the atmosphere. "Sirena, I know you're there, your scent is all over. Right, what was I thinking. I have forgotten he was a werewolf and werewolves have heightened senses.

"Sirena," Zander knocked at the door again, my breath hitched." P-Please, don't... Don't come in." The world's barely leaving my mouth. Sirena, please let me in. It sounds as if you've been crying., came Zander's voice, slightly muffled as if speaking through the door, literally. " I'm... I'm fine, really. It's... it's just nerves," I replied, my voice shaky as I laughed it off.

"Sirena please. Whatever is going on, I'm sure I can help you. Let me help you, please, Zander's voice was painful. I couldn't bear to hear him in pain and I found myself giving in, I reluctantly walked to the door, my hand hovering over the door knob.

"Sirena," Zander called out again. Wallowing the lump in my throat, I replied, "G-give me a second," as I collected my nervousness and proceeded to open the door. As soon as I did so, Zander came rushing in, worrying evidently on his face. Zander pulled me into a hug, his face buried into my neck, visibly relaxing. I found myself, giving into his touch as my walls crumbled. Zander pulls away, looking me straight in the eye. Gently caressing my cheeks, "Speak to me Sirena," he replied, his eyes filled with worry. "Okay," I whispered.

I spilled my heart out, confessing my feelings, doubt etcetera. At one point we were interrupted, Zander merely dismissed them, extending the time of the ceremony, patiently focussing on me.


The Ceremony

"You ready," I took a deep breath in, steadying myself. I think I am. Don't worry, love, they'll fall in love with you as I have. "I hope so," I replied, not fully convinced. Then it dawned on me. Wait a second, did I hear that right. Did Zander just say he loved me.

I decided to confirm my thought. I felt all giddy inside. "Did you say you love me," a big smile on my face as I glanced at him. I'm sure I looked like an absolute psychopath.

I said that, zander answer teasinginly, "i needed even realised. Most be all these things inside im feeling." i gave him an unamused look, "not funny Zander," scowling at him. "Fne, you herald correctly." Zander pretended to be grossed out by the confession, but I knew from the goofy smile he too had on his face and the pure love I feel radiating from him, he was just kidding. "I love you too Zander," returning the feeling. "And I you, my love."


Zander made his way up the stage. Looking every bit the Alpha male, he is. I followed quietly behind. The crowd broke into noisy whispers.

Zander lifted his hand, silencing the robust crowds. "I know you've all been wondering about my mate and the rumours that've been going around. Well, I have great news. We are here today not only to welcome a new member to the back but to also announce to you all today that I've found my mate, your Luna, Sirena Silvermoon," Zander gestured to me.

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