Learning To Survive

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Dad has no idea that mom has left me here all alone. I found a way to get dead bolts for all the locks on the doors and alarms for them and the windows. Dad sends me money in gift boxes that has clothing marked on it or perishables. He has started just sending a fed ex envelope with cash in it. I use only what I need to and the dead bolts and the alarms were a good idea. I am glad taught me how to do things in his workshop while he was here. He put deadbolts on his out buildings and alarms as well he was going to do the same to the house but didn't get to it. He was making sure moms make visitors couldn't get his tools and sell them. He had no idea that mom's friends had  another target in mind and that was me.  He is a smart man though and might soon realize mom has deserted me. I have been making sure everything goes smoothly and I get to school on time do all my homework pass the tests. I sign my dads name to everything they need a signature for like class trips. I make sure they don't require dad's participation before hand. Dad calls me regularly. I have been alone for over a year. Groceries arrive and are left at the front door in the cold storage area I designed for them. I wait until they have been gone for a while and get the groceries into the house. I email them the grocery lists and cleaning supplies as well. Clothing is ordered and paid for by dad. I just send him my wants and needs. I send him copies if my grade card.
Anastasia is sixteen so she is able to get her learners permit, so I send a friend of mine to help her get it and teach her how to drive. It turns out she has been test driving my car and my truck and driving it so she can learn how to drive. My girl is self sufficient. I start thinking about her low life mother. I was given divorce papers and I signed them since she was giving me Anastasia.
I got the paperwork done for the divorce that my dad so richly deserves and it is signed and notarized and became final the day I got my drivers license. They waved the court appearance since dad is a special ops officer and can't be in court for the final decree. It took a lot of money to get the divorce to go through. I gave a post office box number that I rented as where to send the final decree to. Dad is now divorced well via me. Plus she married Morton without divorcing Ray. I haven't heard from her for a while. I hope to never hear or see her again. I have been keeping my head down and working hard to get stronger and stronger and using a squirt gun I am a dead on shot. It won't be long until I graduate from school. I don't really go out except to school or places I need to go to. So my neighbors didn't realize that I was alone in the house. They really aren't very close to us to begin with and really don't know who is driving the car or truck. So when one if my classmates followed me home I wasn't prepared for him showing up at my gate as I was trying to input my code in it. They blocked me from backing up. I refused to put the code in and blasted me horn and hit the 911 on my cell phone. They left before the cops to get to them. It was two guys and I knew they would be back. I described them to the cops and showed the video I took of the license plate. I also got their faces as well via video cameras at the gates. Luckily the cops were aware of these two guys and there intentions, but they didn't know I had no one living there with me. I still had to go to school. So if they were indeed my schoolmates I will see them at school. I decide to take extra precautions. My seventeenth birthday is next week. So I get myself a present of a legal weapon that I can buy. I carry breath spray, hair spray, and a lighter just in case it gets worse. I also bought steel toed shoes for my protection as well. I think of things I can get into school through the metal detectors I realized a cane would be handy and I can just say I have an injury that won't heal properly.
Things are going well and I am about to be sent hone for sone much needed furlough time. I have been up all night waiting on a flight out on a military transport. I am finally put on a flight to a small landing strip near Montesano.
I have been seeing the guys watching me and following me home but can't do much about them until they really break the law according to the cops. They have been stopped and each time they were just going the same way as I am going. I have my hand tied. I watch to make sure no cars are around and I press the codes in and drive through and hear the tires squealing as the shove my car forward and they get into my gates before they close. They get out and break my window out while I am giving the 911 operator my name and address and they hear 5he glass breaking I am being dragged out of my car and up the stairs to my front door. They can get into it without a code and zi have refused to give it to them. Both start ripping my clothes off and they take their turns defiling me and beating me until I can't hear it anymore and I am unconscious and in shock. I couldn't fight them any longer.
I arrive at the house where the gate has been destroyed and police are talking to the EMT's.  I am stopped from entering because it is a crime scene and they are taking the victim to the hospital. I saw the car with the windows broke out and I tell them that us my car and who are they taking to the hospital and where. Then I see a lifeline helicopter land on my front lawn they are immediately out and taking the person into the helicopter and leaving. I am watching in horror as I see what looks like Anastasia but her face is so bruised I can't tell. They are giving her CPR as they get her on the helicopter. She is being lifeline to Seattle Grace hospital. The cops ask me different questions and I go into the house using the codes Anastasia gave me and going around the crime scene, except at the front door and the got the evidence prior to my touching anything. The cops follow me inside and tell me they have two suspects. Said suspects had been following Anastasia and she asked the cops to do something but their hands were tied. I tell them that they need to go arrest them for what they did to my daughter. I excuse myself to get my truck keys sonI can drive to Seattle and pray my daughter is still alive.

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