Carrick Meets Eamon

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I have had way too much on Mia Grey and after Ethan informed me what Mia had plotted while she was drunk he didn't know it included Kate and then Anastasia. Ethan thank God never hung out with the Grey family and as such he didn't sign an NDA. Kate can't talk to anyone even if she knew anything at all. I know that she helped Mia with something that she wouldn't talk about. But they forgot something, I had coverts on them at all times because I was aware something has been off about Mia and I wanted my children to stay away from her. But Kate like some of the other girls were there to get close to Elliott and Christian. She kept them in check with that idea in mind. Kate has finally got her first date with Elliott. There were some rumors that the Steele family stuck it to Mia and helped Deanna Johnson get the goods on Howard cheating on her with Mia. But the real issue was what I found out Mia had set up for Kate in Barbados. Not only that Mia had her friends do the hiring if these men. She placed Kate just where she wanted her to be and just when Anastasia and her sister would be walking with their security teams. I found that she paid the man and his friends to attack Anastasia and her sister Rape them both and leave them to die. There are recordings and I thank Ethan for getting these from his friends who finally sobered up to tell him about them. It took a few months. All that happened in Barbados, we thought it was something else until we got this information on the night if the Christmas party. They can't get the whole world to sign an NDA. Carrick rubs his head and he asks me what I want done and he will make sure it is done. I tell him she needs to go on trial. He agrees to it as well. He tells me to file the charges on behalf of Kate. Because of the NDA and Kate was drugged and drunk that she came close to dying so she has no memory if the situation, but Anastasia and Samantha along with their security were witnesses.
I call Grace and let her know what is going to happen and she tells me there is more to the story. Mia is pregnant and it isn't the first pregnancy by Howard Johnson. I tell Grace it wasn't brought up by Eamon, but I could tell he wanted to tell me more but the NDA is an issue and he implied that if we could get the NDA reverted and allow Mia's friends to talk we would know just how bad she truly is. I call Christian and he says he is with Barney and the Steele family. I ask him if he can get the NDA's reversed so Mia's friends can tell us what they are too afraid to tell us.
I can try because it was to actually protect my privacy. It seems to have caused the development of a Mia Monster. Dad does she happen to have her copy in her room?
I will definitely find out if it is or not. I think I know where you are headed with this. If she doesn't have her copies then she can't hold her friends liable if they are witnesses. I take it you have copies if her friends as well?
Yes, I can have them brought to me and we can take away Mia's NDA power. Have my security go through Mia's hidden safe. There is a back way into it, I had that done when she forgot her password to get into it. The security team can get into it and she won't know it. Tell them to take all her NDA's out of there. Then let's have the girls meet at my office. Let's get them all here at the same time.
Okay I will get security on it. We really have no choice but let her pay the price for her crimes. We hang up after agreeing that Mia has to be stopped.
Christian's security goes directly to the safe and gets into it. They bring me all the NDA's and there are a lot of them, some people I don't even know. I send Barney a message to see if I can get him to find out who these people are and if they can find them and have them call me sonI can talk to them.
Anastasia and I have been up for a while and we are really relaxed by the time we arrive. I had clothes sent over from my personal shopper for Anastasia to wear to the meeting. She looks gorgeous as we walk in together holding hands. I walk past everyone with Taylor and Anastasia's security behind us. Taylor gives them to okay nod to the receptionist for the three security behind us. He stops and tells them to send the Steele's up along with there security as well. I was going to question why so many security then I recall that Mia is still at large.
I can't believe Howard was begging Deanna to give him another chance to make it up to her. He kept telling me he wanted to divorce her and he was working on it and there he was the cheating lying asshole everyone told me about. Lily has completely stopped talking to me. It turns out that Kellen McNamara was one of his conquests who has twins from him. Mom wants to know if I had a baby when I stayed with my many friends when I was sixteen years old and didn't want a sweet sixteen birthday party? I lied and told her no and she called me on it. She has demanded I be checked out to prove I didn't give birth already. Deanna definitely had resources.

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