Lil bit Graduates

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I weep as my Lil bit graduates from Harvard knowing Christopher will be next year. Time flies when you are not looking. Christopher is married to Angela Lawson, Leila Williams Lawsons only daughter. Dawson and Leila at first didn't want her to date him much less marry him. But my Lil bit had a chat with them like the negotiator she was at a very early age she is definitely a daddy's girl. But she loves me as well. She created several patents that paid for her college, even though she had a scholarship and we offered to pay for her school, she used her own money to pay for it as well. She also paid for Christopher to attend Harvard as well. She pinched pennies a lot. Her father would buy her fabulous clothing but she would take them back for the money and buy less extravagant clothing. Her diamonds went back and she got simple jewelry to match her style. She even started her own jewelry line.
I hand Anastasia my handkerchief to wipe the tears off her face. We see my parents recording everything. We watch as Lil bit walks to her seat waiting for the rest of her class graduate. She went directly to her mothers grave and showed her her diploma and leaned down wiped off a spot in the stone and kissed it laying a little pink heart stone in front of the headstone. The others are there as well. She brought one every year since her mother died. Anastasia said she and Lil bit made an agreement to visit her grave on the day she died every year and bring a token of her love that will not fly away and a heart shaped stone was a good idea. I had no idea they did this. I think Lil bit wanted to keep this for herself. Anastasia would let her have a moment alone with her mom.
Emma and Collin are going to Harvard next year. Snyder and Gordon have joined Elliott in the construction game. Ashley and Scott have more children they are heading the education centers for the less fortunate. Christina Hyde is working along side them. Jack Mack and Tack are now supervisors for Grey construction. They finally found something they were excellent at. Annette has gotten married and they are traveling around the world they stop in Seattle to visit their grandchildren every three months. They come to events and bring all of their grandchildren three sets of triplets and a couple children each. Christian and Anastasia thought six would be it for them, but a caseworker caught them talking to Grace at the hospital and decided to pitch her plan of them adopting more children and talked them into at least meeting the four moppets. I am very glad they did too. Nina Louise my very heart was a one year old that spoke in complete sentences and read her books, Robert Edward a two year old who loved building blocks reminded me of Elliott, Simone Denise a three year old who loved her tiny teddy bear that fit in her palm, last but not least Samuel Allen seven years old. They were discovered living in a cardboard box in filthy clothing and no shoes on with a note that Samuel handed to a woman who had gotten lost and somehow came upon the children. She was a tourist and she took the children to get them food and called the authorizes after reading the note. She has kept in touch to make sure she did the right thing by the children. She gets photos every year. That was when the marvelous four started school. No one could have turned down those beautiful blue eyes and blonde curly haired heads. For ultimate effect they hadn't cleaned them up yet. That was an hour after they were brought to the hospital. Immediately Anastasia and Christian made sure they got everything they needed and cleaned up and watched over them all. Christian started rehiring the staff they would need for them. He then asked Samuel if being the man if his family now if he would like to live with him and Anastasia and bring his siblings? Samuel told him that yes because he was exhausted from taking care of his siblings. He could use some help. He is going to be a doctor like Grace. He was put in advanced classes in school. It took two long hard years to finally get them adopted. The issue was they weren't all siblings. Samuel had found them roaming around and had taken them in. The note was written by him in hopes to get the help he needed. He taught them all he could and made sure they were safe and had food. Even when he wasn't and didn't eat.
I am sure Carrick is thinking about Samuel and how we were led to believe the three little ones under his wings were his siblings, but we found out differently when the blood samples were tested and then DNA testing followed. Two years later they all became brothers and sisters and our grandchildren. The caseworker has tried it again, but with Kate and Elliott. I couldn't believe it. Elliott had to convince Kate to go look and she finally gave in and the sweet little baby girls were going melt that heart when they looked like Elliot. She knew they weren't his because he had no time for cheating because they were quite busy trying for another baby. Alyssa Sue and Aubrey Ann were newborns who were given up at safe haven and a signed notarized affidavit with both of them giving up the parental rights by both parents. The adoption went smoothly. But it turns out all their trying came to fruition and eight months later they had a son Elliott Christian Grey. The Kavanagh family were still hoping Ethan would settle down, but he hadn't found anyone yet. I didn't want to tell them that I saw him kissing his male friend and it was a passionate kiss. He is the one to tell them about his sexual orientation not me. Plus I don't know the whole story. Our family get together have been moved to Elliott and Kate's huge property now. We didn't know the place was where the Lincoln's had kept their slaves in the dungeon of it. Elliot tire the whole place down and found underground tunnels leading to outside. He built several homes on the property and renovated the dock and the boathouse. A pool inside and outside with a fence that no one could climb and  the gate was key locked and coded as well.
Ray passed away not long after Lil bit got her diploma she was sad that Ray would be buried in the Steele graveyard, but understood it. She placed a heart shaped rock on his grave. I am glad he was able to hold on long enough to see his granddaughter graduate from Harvard. He last ten more years than the doctor gave him. Anastasia was withdrawn for a week and Samantha brought her out of it by getting her to complete the last patent she and Ray started and were about to test it before sending it to the patent office.
I help Anastasia out of bed and I get her showered and dressed and I get her fed and Samantha gets her to get back on the patent work for the very last thing her and Ray worked so hard on. She told her to do it for Ray, that got her and they soon tested it and finally sent it in and got the patent.
Christian has retired leaving our children to run the company. Lil bit is CEO and Roz is still COO, she put in for retirement so her and Gwen were going to travel, but she died of a heart attack and Roz just couldn't find it in her heart to travel without Gwen. So she is doing a great job as usual. Christian thinks they will find her dead at her desk one day. It turns out he wasn't wrong and the security team noticed she wasn't moving at all and found her dead sitting over her final signature on the very last contract on her desk. He said she always was one to need to complete things you start no matter what.

The end hope you enjoyed the story.

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