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Ashley Lewis
I have ended everything with Howard and the Mia crew. I asked my attorney to get Howard to sign his rights away to James and Jacob the two men who stood by me during the hardest time of my life. The time Gordon Devlin raped me. James Collins and Jacob Lawrence they found me wandering around outside half naked after being raped by Gordon. They got me to the hospital. Mom arrived quickly. She tried to console me but it wasn't working. Dad was out helping the Devlin kid out covering his tracks instead of being here for his ruined daughter. James and Jacob tried their best to help me but were harassed and fired from their government jobs. All because of me, they won their law suits for wrongful termination after it was found that their bosses were being paid off by both the Devlin's and my father. I have no father or brother at this point. My girlfriends were their victims too. No one told me about what my brother and Gordon were doing. I wonder if I might have known subconsciously and failed to realize it, but my therapist says I wasn't aware of their actions until I was raped myself.
Howard signed the papers after David Randall told him that if he didn't he would start the lawsuit for child support and back child support and he signed them immediately. I took my boys with me and they played with the other children while I got busy helping the mothers with whatever they needed . I signed my employment agreements and everything else they needed.
Scott Paulson
I work here because they need men to do heavy lifting and my mom was an unwed mother. I work two jobs this one and my construction job. It keeps me busy and my mom helped start this place and I was wanting to contribute to her cause. Ashley just started here over a month or so and now she us a full time employee and I was shocked she brought twins in with her today and put them in the day care and signed her employment paperwork. I go about my work and mom brings me my lunch and we sit down to eat our food. She brings me a water and picks up the trash and throws it away and walks back to her office and waves by at me. She knows my shift starts in an hour at a new site near here. I get up and wave by at mom and everyone and leave. I notice Ashley talking to a new mother and holding her boys. The mother is inconsolable and the boys get down and go sit by her and hand her Kleenexes. She starts smiling through her tears. The mother and bay settle down and I run to my car and get to my job just in time to get my instruction for the day.
We have gotten good news from Denise Paulson that Ashley has been an exemplary employee and they want to put her o; permanently and possibly help subsidize her getting a degree in psychology. We get mom, dad and Anastasia on the line and we agree to go with her recommendations and we take Ashely off the list along with the fake name Kellen. Dad calls Jason Taylor and give him the good news. We let him know Kellens real name once we found out from her. She ended her friendships with the Mia group. Mia ended her relationship with Howard as well. This list is really good for some and bad for others. The Grey family had a long chat with Mia. Not long after she had to give up Howard.
A few good things came of the list and a few bad things did as well. But it was on the part of the person not on our end. They were doing this in hopes good things would come out of it. It was a half good and half bad situation. I like that this was a good thing for the community and it also brought us together as family unit. We work together but this is above and beyond and Anastasia and Samantha came up with the idea.
The list is finally done and my courses completed for this year. I am taking a couple of weeks to go on vacation. Samantha has asked if she can go with me, because she needs a break as well. So dad has decided we can take a vacation to Barbados. He knows someone who will let him stay at there home for two weeks. So we head out after assigning work to our assistants. Mine is getting a promotion anyway and a raise after this.
We get everything packed and into the airport shuttle and security is going with us. They are ready to fly. We have everything we need for fun in the sun.
Finally we can have a little bit of a honeymoon. Samantha and Anastasia are going to make themselves a bit scarce so we can have some privacy. We are staying in the big house and they are staying in the small house security is staying in the back house. Their are two pools and a beach to have fun at.
We give the girls money to get whatever they need and we disappear into the house. The female security are going to go with them and one male one.
I hear a voice I thought I would never hear again but it is definitely her. Kate Kavanagh is here and I damn well don't want to be around her. But she catches up with Samantha and I. She is half in the bag and the guy with her is not in the least bit drunk. My security comes and suggests that we get her home and not to his home. The guy Armando Pescadilla is trying to get her to go with him and it's not working suddenly she falls to the ground and she is convulsing. Our first day was spent in the hospital with Kate Kavanagh and we have to figure out where her family is. I check the local hotels to see if the Kavanagh family is registered and finally o; the last hotel I hit pay dirt and I am able to get them here. The cops arrive as well they ask me to describe the man that was with her. We got photos of him without him realizing it and recorded him introducing himself to us. They knew the guy and they warned us to steer clear of him and his friends. They are known for drugging girls and having a party with them. By party he meant that he was going to gang bang her. I ask where these guys hang count so we can avoid them. He tells me they are all over the place. He tells us what to watch out for along with the three security people we have. Mr and mrs Kavanagh arrive and they sign so the hospital us covered for counteracting the drug the guy put in her drink. She is asleep and in her parents care when we leave.
Well let's keep our eyes and ears open to anything and everything that could happen just like the cops told us. Our security are assuring we are safe but unfortunately they aren't safe at all all three are jumped and the attackers are trying to take us with them when Anastasia hits the emergency alarm on her phone and starts kicking all the guys everywhere at once it seems because of her and my size they think we won't be hard to grab and run with by the time the cops arrive the sux men are laying unconscious from whatever Anastasia had in her purse. She was carrying a brick in her purse she had picked it up when we were getting Kate away from Armando. The six guys were arrested and our security were taken to the hospital and we were examined for injuries as well. Anastasia tells me that she was attacked and drugged and raped by two guys, so she uses everything she can to protect herself. The six guys wanted to press charges against us for attacking them. Our bruises and our unconscious security says differently.
I can't believe this and guess who was at the very start of this skirmish, no other than Kate Kavanagh. Our security and my daughters got her safely out if the guys hands and to the hospital and they ended up being jumped on their way back home. During the first attack Anastasia pick up a brick and put it in her purse unbeknownst to anyone. That in itself saved them, because she didn't hesitate to kick the mens asses. By using the brick to knock them out.
I can't believe that the cops think they are going to arrest our daughters for defending themselves. That is not going to happen. We hired an attorney and all charges were dropped and the men were charged with assault and battery. Armando had a history of drugging and sexually assaulting his victims before his friends sexually assault the girl after he has. He was out on bail along with his crew all were threw into prison.

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